Category Archives: What’s New?

Meet the folks who know WHODUNNIT

3 local, very funny and engaging, crime writers coming together for a November Crime Night on Wednesday 21st November 7pm-8.30pm, at the Primavera Bistro here in The Avenue. They are Caro Ramsay, T.F.Muir and Michael Malone.Our authors will be discussing their work and the state of writing in Scotland.

If any 5/6th year(16+) budding authors would like to attend, the tickets are free and available from Waterstones or Primavera. Refreshments will be available to purchase from Primavera on the night.

If you can not get to Waterstones or Primavera before the big night just let Mrs Baird know and I will get you a ticket or two set aside.

Sounds like a great night!


Outside the library you can not fail to miss the HUGE advert for our latest competition –
J A B B I C A.

There are four nominated titles – all new graphic novels for the lilbrary selected by Saint Ninian’s library assistants.

All you have to do is tick your favourite and pop it into the box in the library by Nov 29th.

The winner will get a voucher worth £15 to spend at the library book sale on the 30th.

Will you pick?

Hamster and Cheese?

Or will you go for

Or do you fancy
Beauty and the Beast

Or how about
Captain America

This is a prelude to our school signing up for the Stan Lee Excelsior Award which one lucky class will be taking part in.


Well, is that what a Facebook for books should be called?

Lucky for us it’s not and there is a great social networking site called GOOD READS. With over 10 millions users from all across the globe it is the home of the biggest bookgroup in the world.

I have created a tiny little corner in Good Reads for pupils to come and share their favourite books or warn the rest of us to stay away from real stinkers.

It’s called Saint Ninians Bibliophiles and if you or your friends are interested in joining then please just pop in to the library and I can show you how.

A book group where you can read what you want and when you want sounds just about right to me, so, join up, you don’t know what you are missing!

The group is by invitation only so no sneaking!

Edinburgh International Book Festival

No.1 fans?SIT!There is nothing better than schmoozing about Edinburgh other than schmoozing around the Edinburgh books festival.

Along, with a happy band of bibliophiles fom Woodfarm and Willaimwood our intrepid band of girlies ventures all the way along the motorway to the Valhalla of the written word – Edinburgh. ( with only one teensky little misshap on the way – pass the sick bag , if you please!)

Our first port of call was an invitation with the dead – well sort of – with the authors Alexander Gordon Smith and Susanne Winnaker to talk about zombies. Not always the best topic so soon after breakfast. We particularly liked the body bits left on stage (hopefully not belonging to the last audience members).

After a spot of lunch we made our way to the front row – yes nothing but the best for us, to hear from the lovely Sophie McKenzie and the dangerous Anne Cassidy. After the talk we rushed to the book tent to get our books signed and chat to the authors who were both really helpful and very friendly.

Back on to the bus and a safe trip home.
Comments from the trip?
Can we come back again next year?

Competition time!

Don't knock them over!

Win yourself a bagful of library goodies including a book bundle worth more than £20!

Just pop in to the library and pick up a form and get searching on the OPAC.

One entry per pupil and all entries must be in BEFORE the September weekend.
In the event of more than one correct entry one winner will be chosen at random.

Good luck!

Welcome or welcome back!

A new term- even more fun! and that’s just what the teachers say (um, sort of)

There are lots of new titles in the library to borrow, so, whether you are a die hard library fan or a newbie with vim pop in and see what delights await you.

Remember, to borrow books from the library you don’t have to bring in your All Access card or your ER Young Scot card just need to know your name. If you do not own either of these cards please pop in and see me and I will get you a borrowers form.

Worries about how to use the library?

Get library savvy with the help of the games at Order in the Library. And if you are super good at these games perhaps you should think about volunteering as a library assistant. See me for more details!

Meet me in the library?

Have you put down your name for the Edinburgh festival trip or have you nominated yourself as a possible library assistant? Well, make sure that you pop into the library for the meetigs that I have schedules or you will miss out on some very important information.

If you are not in either of these categories but are feeling lobely just pop in anyway and remember I am still looking for suggestions from ALL pupils on what new book shoudl be bought for the library for next session.

All recommendations have to be in by the 29th May as I will be out book buying on the 30th.

If you don’t suggest then don’t complain!