Thanks to the lovely people at the Scottish Book Trust we have been set an unfestive challenge. To read a book over the holidays and have a right good chinwag about it when we get back from the break.
Out of a selection of books on offer I chose the most unfestive book I could find – the non Christmassy, no tinsel or baubles in sight – Zom-B by the brilliant Darren Shan.
SBT have given, yes given, us 20 copies of this title with only one request – that we read and chat (I know that is two requests but reading without talking about a great book is impossible, right? – so it really is only one request) all things Zom-B in the New Year.
Pupils are signing up fast to take part ! So, if you are in S3+ and you want to get your paws on a lovely new book and take part in some interesting book chat – pop in to the library as soon as possible. But warning as the title suggests this is not for the squeamish, so if you are a sensitive flower best not to go for this read and look out for other suggestions and perhaps another read-a-long.
Even if I run out of books why not get your own or borrow one from the school or local library and come along to the talk? Or have your own talk? Or just talk to me or just talk to yourself?
Here are some things to think about before you start the book
Did you know there have been more than 50 blockbuster movies made about zombies?
The first ever zombie movie was made back in 1932 and called White Zombie and starred the early horror actor Bela Lugosi in the lead role (he also played
Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, Ygor and many more creepy characters)
In times of economic recession the number of zombie books increases.
There is a term called the “Zombie economy” where businesses do not thrive or collapse they simply stagnate.
The BBC2 series “In the Flesh” referred to zombies as having ” partially deceased syndrome”.
Often zombies are used in fiction and movies as metaphors for other evils in society.
One author went so far as to say that Vampires are the rich upper class and zombies the working class!
The very first novel to include the term zombi was the 1929 novel The Magic Island by William Seabrook.
Follow me on twitter @stninianslib for some twitchat about the book starting on the 19th December over the hols.