Monthly Archives: November 2012

Rolling Circles

New for this year is the ambitious plan to have every single pupil in S1 reading a book in a mini book club.

The idea originated from the USA where literacy circles, as they are also called, have been on the go for over 20 years.

So far 100 pupils have selected their title and over 20 book groups created. Pupils will initially have to read only the first chapter to get a flavour of their read and create their own little character card which be displayed in the library like bunting or early Christmas decorations.

Once pupils are settled into their books and their groups they will then be given jobs – such as discussion director and literary luminary. Each job is like a jigsaw piece and when the whole group comes together they will have a fuller picture of what the novel is really about.

Our final plan is to create book trailers to promote books to pupils at the school and perhaps the wider public. Once the trailer is complete it will be hosted on YouTube and then we can create a QR code (one of those square barcodes you often see on adverts). We can take those codes and put them on the back of books in school and community library, thus allowing borrowers to sample our book group’s opinions of the book.

The whole idea is to get pupils reading and talking about books. Pupils are more likely to make literary connections when working in a group and hopefully will enjoy the process. Pupils will have to read at least one book to get the benefit of the scheme but can read many more if they like; learning more skills along the way.
With the support of the librarian and teachers and parents and of course the group I am hoping that every each and every pupil will enjoy this scheme and that it will give them the impetus to keep on reading into S2 and beyond.

If you would like to know any more about the scheme them please contact me at the library during school hours.
Mrs B

1 2 3 Booksale!

On the 30th of November the library will be hosting it’s annual booksale.

This year it is even bigger and better than last with hundreds of titles costing from as little as £1 and the most expensive costing only £3.
There will be fiction and non-fiction titles for sale including Wimpy Kids and Patrick Ness as well as The Hunger Games and Murderous Maths.

So, why not wander by the forum on the 30th and you might just pick yourself up a bargain or get an early Chrsitmas present for a friend.

Meet the folks who know WHODUNNIT

3 local, very funny and engaging, crime writers coming together for a November Crime Night on Wednesday 21st November 7pm-8.30pm, at the Primavera Bistro here in The Avenue. They are Caro Ramsay, T.F.Muir and Michael Malone.Our authors will be discussing their work and the state of writing in Scotland.

If any 5/6th year(16+) budding authors would like to attend, the tickets are free and available from Waterstones or Primavera. Refreshments will be available to purchase from Primavera on the night.

If you can not get to Waterstones or Primavera before the big night just let Mrs Baird know and I will get you a ticket or two set aside.

Sounds like a great night!


Outside the library you can not fail to miss the HUGE advert for our latest competition –
J A B B I C A.

There are four nominated titles – all new graphic novels for the lilbrary selected by Saint Ninian’s library assistants.

All you have to do is tick your favourite and pop it into the box in the library by Nov 29th.

The winner will get a voucher worth £15 to spend at the library book sale on the 30th.

Will you pick?

Hamster and Cheese?

Or will you go for

Or do you fancy
Beauty and the Beast

Or how about
Captain America

This is a prelude to our school signing up for the Stan Lee Excelsior Award which one lucky class will be taking part in.