
The show must go on…


We sincerely hope that we have the opportunity to perform this to our school community.

P6a Topical Science

This week’s writing focused on news articles. P6a researched topical news stories and then produced articles, sharing the facts they had uncovered.




Tallest Freestanding Tower Challenge

Challenge- To build the tallest freestanding tower in 25 minutes using 20 stick of spaghetti, 1 metre of tape and 1 metre of string.

Problem-The tower has to hold a marshmallow at the top.

We used teamwork, communication, co-operation and various problem solving strategies to create the most successful tower.

The winning tower was…….41 cm tall!

The winning team 🙂

Easter Code

P7 are having the best time at their Easter Code trip. Learning so much about the story of Easter.


The adults are loving life too and being totally spoiled with lots of yummy          goodies.

Thank you so much for having us!


VE Day Party

We have had the best VE day party today.  We took part in a quiz to demonstrate our learning of our WWII topic.

Look out for the winners! 🏆🥇🥈🥉

We also bid  farewell to Miss Barrett, who is going off on maternity leave to have her baby. We wish you all the best in the coming weeks and we are looking forward to baby cuddles. 👶 🍼

We will miss you! 🥰


Author Visit

Primary 7 were very fortunate to be visited by a local author called SF Mazhar. She is the author of the Power of Four series and The Elementals.

She gave us an insight on how she was inspired through her Fan Fiction writing online.