Scotland Street School Trip

P6a enjoyed a fantastic step back in time on Tuesday. We visited Scotland Street Museum and took part in a school workshop*

Alexander B – We got to dress up when we got there. The boys had to wear a waistcoat and special collar which had ribbon that you tied in a bow.

Samantha – We had to wear a white dress. We had to tie it at the back.

Anna – It was frilly at the sleeves and had patterns on it.

Annie – It looked like an apron.

Dhanya – It was open at the back, but we had our uniforms underneath.

Calum – We had to line up. We put our right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front of us to get in a straight line and then we stepped back…

Alex – To make sure we were equally spaced out from each other.

Calum – So then the teacher came out of the class. Girls and boys were in separate lines and the teacher put us boy, girl and we were told where to sit.

Alasdair – In the line we had to line up smallest at the front and tallest at the back. It was a way to line up like in Victorian times.

Luca – The teacher was scary! She shouted a lot because she was acting like we were in the Victorian era. She said we were in 1884. It was written on the board.

Grace – We did a clock face for times tables and we started by chanting our timestables and we all had a turn of standing up and answering a multiplication question. She used the clock face to show us the question.

Katie – We did a mental maths test on a slate.

Adam – We used a special pen that could write on a slate.

Emma – Also when the teacher asked us a question we had to address her as Maam or we would have to stay standing. When we were writing the copperplate alphabet on paper we used a special pen and dipped it in ink.

Anna – She also threathened to use the belt and she whacked it on the back of Alex’s desk. It was scary and made a big noise!

Arnav – We had to sit with our feet flat on the floor, our spine at the back of our chair (Mrs Horne said that we should be sitting like this just now as it is good for our posture and concentration) and our arms crossed. Even if we moved a little bit she would shout at us,

Ruqqiya – We always had to sit facing the front.

Jonny – When we were doing the mental maths I had to stand up and so did others because we were smiling when she was giving me into trouble for not sitting properly.

Magnus – She showed us the punishments we might have got and I got to wear the dunces hat. It liked it because it was funny but I wouldn’t have liked it back then!

Safa – At the end she stopped acting and she asked if anyone had ink on our hands. We all put our hands up. She said she was very sorry as the ink was from last Friday and that ink would never come off. We were pretty scared as we had a lot of it on our hands but it was just a joke.

Maya – She then dressed like a janitor.

Annie – She showed us what they did at playtime.

Alexander E – The boys and the girls had separate areas for playtime.

We all enjoyed our day!


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