The children all arrived on Tuesday refreshed after the holiday weekend and ready to learn.
We have been doing lots of Active Maths learning about dividing with and without remainders. This has involved a floor covered with hundreds, tens and units blocks and collaborative learning opportunities as the children worked together to solve problems. We have also been revising Place Value and Time.
Our Big Writing task this week was to write a letter and the children chose to write to Mr Weir to thank him for all of his hard work in the aftermath of the storm. Mr Weir was absolutely delighted to read the children’s work and see how much they appreciate all that he does for the school.
For the last few weeks we have been looking at Antarctica as part of the Our World topic and this week we were able to use the Virtual Reality Headsets so that the children could see what it is actually like to be in the middle of Antarctica. They spotted whales, seals and penguins, people in kayaks, ice breaking boats, base stations and scientists carrying out research. It was a definite learning highlight this week and when we were talking about what they experienced, the children showed a much greater depth of knowledge about the landscape and life in Antarctica.
Having visited a cold climate, we are now moving on to look at hot climates and will focus on life in the desert – if you ask the children they will tell you that we are talking about Hot Deserts because there are deserts in cold places too!