This week in maths we have been learning about weight and really working on weighing things and estimating in grams and kilograms. We all enjoyed learning about weighing.
In literacy we have carried out a writing piece of discursive text about why wind turbines should be banned or not. People had different views of this and it was cool to see what everyone thought. We had to remember to give a good justification for why we felt a certain way.
We have being having fun with Mrs Watson playing netball during PE. Learning to pass the ball, to shoot, learning the positions and the rules. We had to take the positions on the court today which was hard but most of us remembered.
On Thursday we learned about JoLoMo and his art pieces. This really helped us learn more about Scotland’s landscapes and the colour and textures they have in them. We did group work on texture and colour and then created colour and texture charts J.
On Friday we set up a debate club taken. It was a lot of fun. We debated if guns should be banned in America. Although the against side worked very hard they were outnumbered by the for side.
Following on from that we have been working on philosophy , thinking about our views and responding to what other people have said rather than being fixed on our own thoughts. It is great fun to hear everybody’s opinion
Thanks for reading
From Calum and Holly