P6a 19.1.18

Euler are learning how to plot co-ordinates and have been creating cartoons. It’s been fun!

Pythagoras have been working on converting percentages, decimals and fractions. It’s been okay now that we got back into the swing of it.

This week we have started to learn ceilidh dances. We have been doing the Gay Gordons and the Dashing White Sergeant. It has been a bit tricky as the dances are very fast. It has been fun.

We have been doing some Scottish artwork. We looked at Steven Brown’s worked and started to create our own drawing inspired by him. They are very colourful!

We have been writing about our favourite place in Scotland. We have been trying to use lots of descriptive vocabulary and our senses to make the reader feel like they are there. We also wrote about Planet Delta, we had the beginning of a story and had to continue it. It was tricky because you had to think of good ideas about what could happen in the story.

In PE we were working on fitness. We were in teams and had 15/30 seconds to do as many lengths of the hall as we could. It was tiring!