18.5.18 P6a

On Monday we went on an adventure to Blair Drummond Safari Park. We did the safari first of all and it was amazing, we saw all of the animals out enjoying the sun. We saw the rhinos, giraffes and elephants. Then we went on the boat to Chimp Island and saw Chip, Rosie, Copper and Joe. They were getting food and climbing the climbing frame. We learned that bananas are treats for chimps as they contain too much sugar! We watched an amazing sea lion show too. We loved our trip and learned a lot about animals, their habitats and how they communicate.

We have our bikeability test next week so this week we were working on emergency stops, right turns and left turns. It is quite tricky trying to remember everything you need to do but it is lots of fun especially in the sunshine!

In ICT we have been coding, we have just finished Minecraft Adventure and then we got the choice to choose our next coding challenge. The coding gets more difficult as you progress through the levels. It’s really fun!

It’s been digital learning week this week and we have been bringing in our forms so that we can start to connect to the wifi and use our devices in class. We have used our devices to maths to help us work out word problems. We hope to use our devices over the next few weeks.

We have taken part in the Sumdog competition; we always enjoy challenging ourselves to see how many questions we can answer correctly.

We have prerfecting this week so that we can experience different roles before we apply for perefecting jobs at the end of this year. We are enjoying the challenge of prefecting.