P6a 11.5.18

PC Trainer came in this week to talk to us about bike safety. We need to make sure we don’t ride our bike in the school (unless we are doing bikeability) so that people are safe.

This week we were learning how to put people into the recovery position. We got into pairs and we managed to do this and write instructions so to tell people how to do it.

Pythagoras and Euler did a check-up all about measurement, we had to convert different measurement and work out word problems.

The fundraising committee responded to our letters and are very kindly going to give us a donation towards our trip. We are very thankful! We are all very excited about our trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park on Monday! We are looking forward to learning more about animals and Hiba can’t wait to see the lions!!

The Spanish assistant came in this week and we were learning how to say different fruits in Spanish.

In Social Studies we have been researching a volcanic eruption of our choice. We are going to share our case studies with each other next week.

In writing we have been working on our persuasive skills. This week we were writing about whether or not animals should be kept in zoos. We had lots of great ideas.