P5B Blog 25/11/16

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It’s been another fantastic week at Crookfur Primary 🙂 This week was Scottish book week so we got to take part in lots of fun reading activities. We got to participate in lots of interesting quizzes where we had to guess the author or title of different books. We also watched Authors Live which was really interesting. We took part in the mannequin challenge which involved us freezing in funny poses with our favourite books! We were also lucky enough to visit Mearns library and each got to choose a new book to take back to class

! It was really exciting! For homework, we had to take photos of ourselves reading in interesting places or carve our favourite characters into potatoes. They all turned out fantastic. We have attached some photos for you to see 🙂

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 5B & Miss Raworthimg_1197 img_1195 img_1198 img_1199 img_1202

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