P5B Class blog 24/10/16

This week we were very excited to begin our new topic, the classification of animals. So far, we learned that there are different groups of animals that all share similarities. There are insects, fish, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.

We also had a meeting in class led by our pupil council representatives where we had the chance to discuss what we would like the pupil council to achieve this year. We came up with lots of exciting ideas which we look forward to sharing in the next meeting.

In maths, the super subtractions have been learning about function machines and how to work out unknown values. The excellent equations have been learning how to calculate the perimeter of different shapes. The fantastic fractions have been learning about data handling and time. The whole class have also been learning how to carry out more complicated forms of vertical calculations. We have all been making excellent progress!

We are also entering a Christmas card competition and are excited to see our finished designs!

In language, we did structured writing and everybody wrote fantastic descriptions of a spooky house.

We have also been continuing with our guided reading and are excited to be starting our new reading books next week!

Primary 5 have had another wonderful week! 🙂