
Courses will provide a broad practical experience of Drama and related knowledge and understanding of drama. They will also provide opportunities for learners to develop skills in creating and presenting drama through acting and technical skills. This Course is practical and experiential and provides learners with opportunities to continue to acquire and develop the attributes and capabilities of the four capacities


The skills that pupils gain by successfully completing Drama courses will be valuable for learning, life and work. Pupils will:

  • develop creating skills, explore form, structure, genre and style, and learn how to use a range of drama skills
  • experiment with and develop a range of skills in presenting drama
  • develop evaluation skills by evaluate their own skills and progress, and that of other pupils.
  • develop a knowledge and understanding of a range of social and cultural influences on drama
  • develop knowledge, understanding through portrayal of character and by using a range of production skills.


The Learner Journey through all levels of the course will be coherent and provide challenge and enjoyment. An integrated approach to learning will be adopted and include a mix of practical learning and knowledge and understanding of drama and production skills. The structure of courses, built on hierarchical mandatory units – drama skills; drama production skills, will ensure clear pathways and progression from BGE courses onwards through the national qualifications.

Supporting Learners in Drama

Throughout the course pupils will benefit from individual support from teachers and a range of professional partners.

Support strategies will include:

– discussion of overall individual strengths, areas of improvement, next steps and progress

– negotiation of individual targets and plans of actions to achieve success

– feedback on specific pieces of practical or written work

– opportunities for supported study after school and at weekends

– visits to theatres and appropriate workshops

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