Courses will provide a broad practical experience of performing and creating music and develop related knowledge and understanding of music. They will also allow pupils to work independently or in collaboration with others, and help learners to plan and organise, to make decisions and to take responsibility for own learning.
Pupils will develop and extend their interest in music, develop composing skills and broaden their understanding of music concepts and styles.
The skills that pupils gain by successfully completing Music courses will be valuable for learning, life and work. Pupils will:
- develop performing skills in solo and/or group settings on their two selected instruments, or on one instrument and voice and perform challenging music with sufficient accuracy while maintaining the musical flow
- create original music using compositional methods and music concepts creatively when composing, arranging or improvising
- develop knowledge of the influence of social and cultural factors on music
- broaden their knowledge and understanding of music and musical literacy by listening to music and identifying level-specific music signs, symbols and music concepts
- self-reflect on their own work and that of others
The Learner Journey through all levels of the course will be coherent and provide challenge and enjoyment. An integrated approach to learning will be adopted and include a mix of practical learning and knowledge and understanding of music. The structure of courses, built on hierarchical mandatory units – performing skills; composing skills and Understanding music will ensure clear pathways and progression from BGE courses onwards through the national qualifications.
Supporting Learners in Music
Throughout the course pupils will benefit from individual support from teachers and a range of professional partners.
Support strategies will include:
– discussion of overall individual strengths, areas of improvement, next steps and progress
– negotiation of individual targets and plans of actions to achieve success
– feedback on specific pieces of practical or written work
– opportunities for supported study after school and at weekends