Category Archives: music

The Incredible BBC ‘Ten Pieces’ Take-Over Day

10 piecesOn the 26th of March, the BBC came to Bubsy and ‘took over’ for the day. We were only one of four schools chosen in Scotland. There were musicians from the Scottish Symphony Orchestra working with our musicians, an opera singer working with the choir and animators and film makers working with groups of children. The day finished with a performance of ‘Zadok the Priest’, the premier of the documentary and animation and the performance of a song written on the day. What a fantastic experience and can’t wait until next week when we have our showcase for parents and guests. Watch this space for the videos of this truly exciting and unforgettable day. We have also uploaded our videos and art work and hope that some of it may be chosen to be shown at the Proms in the Albert Hall later on in the year. P7 have included some of their thoughts in their class blog.

Click here to visit the ‘Ten Pieces’ web page. You can watch the original BBC Film on the BBC i-player from here.