If your child has recently achieved something through continuous effort, commitment and determination, this includes: learning to tie shoe laces, reading their first chapter book, overcoming a particular challenge, producing a book, looking after a pet for a friend, obtaining a brownie badge, participating in a sporting event. Please encourage your child to share this with the class.
All children and young people are entitled to have the full range of their achievements recognised, and to be supported in reflecting and building on their learning and achievements.
Gaining recognition for their achievements and the skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work that are developed through them, benefits all young people. It can increase their confidence, raise their aspirations, improve their motivation for learning and keep them engaged in education.
At Busby Primary School, there are many ways in which we recognise achievement. These include:
- Assemblies
- Class displays
- Progress and Achievement Folios
- Annual written reports
- Classroom workshops
- Curriculum events
- Pupil leadership opportunities
- Extra-curricular opportunities and after school clubs
- Residential visits and Educational Visits
- Themed weeks
- Inter-house trauchles
- Skills Academy
Busby Primary School’s Significant Achievements
2015- 2016
- Sports Scotland Gold Award
- Whole school trip to Edinburgh International Book Festival
- Busby Early Learning and Childcare Centre achieved Family Friendly Silver Accreditation
- Awarded Fair Achieve by Fairtrade School Awards
- All P7 pupils earned John Muir awards during their residential trip to Lochgoilhead Outdoor Activity Centre
- 4 pupils achieved a Gold award and 2 pupils achieved Silver at the Strathclyde University Maths Challenge
- Pupils in Primary 5 completed a ‘Dragons’ Den’ project
- Primary 6 pupils participated in a Sculpture project in conjunction with students from Glasgow School of Art
- P7 pupils completed Hospitality training in partnership with the White Cart Restaurant
- 4 Primary 7 girls organised a ‘Guide Dog Takeover Day’ to raise funds for charity
- New Nursery playground opened
- Primary 7 pupils participated in the Dynamic Youth Awards Scheme
- International Schools Award
- All pupils in P2-P4 visited Glasgow School of Art as part of our Skills Academy ‘Design and Manufacturing’ class
- P2-P4 performed ‘Jack and the Busby Beanstalks’ at Busby Parish Church in December
- P1 pupils participated in a musical showcase, ‘Marveloso Minibeast Maloo’ in December
- Our annual STEM week had a ‘C.S.I.’ focus as pupils worked together to solve the mystery of the smashed iPad!
- Pupils worked with Scottish Opera on a performance of ‘Fever!
- P5-P7 performed ‘Busby Roars’ to a sold out audience at Eastwood Theatre in June
- A group of P7 pupils won the Williamwood High School Cluster Maths Challenge
2014 – 2015
- The school achieved the Gold Award in the Primary Science Quality Mark.
- The whole school performed with ‘The Royal Rockstars’ at Greenbank Church
- Whole School trip to Edinburgh Festival
- P7 Residential Visit to Lockerbie Manor
- Developing links with City of Glasgow College to support P7’s learning in the Food and Health Master Class.
- Adopting Busby Train Station as part of the Master Class work.
- A wider variety of extra-curricular clubs on offer
- Increased business partnership and parental support in the Master Classes
- The P1/2 ‘Busbits’ and school choir were commended by the judges for their performances of Scottish Songs at the Glasgow Music Festival. The choir achieved a merit.
- A very successful Education Scotland Inspection
- Renewal of third Eco Schools’ Green Flag Award
- Euro Quiz team came first in the East Renfrewshire heat
- Successful STEMM week
- Successful Finance Week
- Achieved ‘FairAware’ status for Fair Trade Work
- The Nursery won the first ‘How Fair Trade is Your Nursery?’ competition
- One of four schools in Scotland to host a BBC 10 pieces take-over day with the Scottish Symphony Orchestra
- Shortlisted for a Scottish Education Award in ‘Enterprise and Employability Across the Curriculum’.
- Two pupils were successful in winning a place on Jaime Oliver’s new children’s cooking programme
2013 – 2014
- Achieved Level 1 of the Rights Respecting School Award
- Awarded the Commonwealth Legacy Plaque by Clyde the Mascot for work on Glasgow 2014 – the first School in East Renfrewshire!
- Nominated for two categories in the Scottish Education Awards
- Grant for outside classroom received and used for building the gazebo in the infant playground
- Parent Council achieve Charity Status
- P5 organised a Crazy Character fundraising day
- Successful Finance Week introduced
- Whole School visit to the David Livingstone Museum, Edinburgh Book Festival and Glasgow Science Museum
- The Nursery achieved the Family Friendly Accreditation Award at Bronze Level
- Pupils in the First Level achieved Heart Start Awards
- Pupils in the Second Level achieved the Rooky Lifeguard Award
- Pupils in P4 achieved their John Muir Award
- Staff and Parents completed the ‘Bikeability’ Level 2 training
- 11 pupils achieved awards in the Glasgow University Primary Maths Challenge.
- A ‘Food for Thought’ award enabled us to purchase seven cooking stations to enrich the food and nutrition curriculum.
- The hugely successful school show, “Candyland” was performed at Eastwood Theatre for two performances.
- Scottish Culture and Literature weeks and STEM fortnight proved to be very popular again with pupils, parents, visitors and staff.
- The P1 and school choir were commended by the judges for their performances of Scottish Songs at the Glasgow Music Festival.
- In consultation with all stakeholders we reviewed our schools values.
- The Parent Council hosted a Commonwealth Festival at the ‘Busby Does A Marathon’ Event. This was funded by the Lottery Celebrate Grant.
- The school continued to improve the average standardised test scores and met the Curriculum for Excellence Authority Targets.
2012 – 2013
- Improvement in standardised test scores from a school average of 90 in 2009/10 to 98 in 2012/13 in Reading.
- School website redesigned and increasing in electronic communication with parents
- Cluster Moderation of Writing increased staff confidence
- Official recognition of work towards becoming a Rights Respecting School
- Whole School visit to Edinburgh Book Festival
- Whole School visit to the Burns Birthplace Museum, Alloway
- Renewal of Green Flag for the second time
- Master Classes developed and piloted
- Science Month – A celebration of Science including visits from the Scottish Opera
- A Science Curriculum Evening
- The Glee Club performed at Silverburn, the Clarkston, Community Fayre, and the Women’s Guild
- The School Choir came first in the ‘Primary School Music Making’ category at the Glasgow Music Festival. The P1 ‘Busbits’ were also commended by the judges
- 31 different clubs were offered over the year 94% of pupils have attended at least one club and 70% of pupils have attended 2 or more clubs
- P4 pupils came third in the ERC Tennis Tournament
- In collaboration with Psychological Services, several Early Level workshops were held
- Cluster Nursery film produced
- Head Teacher Awards introduced at Achievement Assemblies
2011 – 2012
- The school show, ‘The Wizard of Clarkston’ was performed at Eastwood Theatre
- Science Fortnight involving parents, STEM ambassadors and the Scottish Opera
- A successful Science Fayre
- Participation in the Clyde in the Classroom project
- Successful parking campaign by the JRSOs and parents resulted in less congestion at the school.
- The Choir performed at Silverburn and at the Glasgow Music Festival
- Three pupils achieved awards in the University of Glasgow Primary Mathematical Challenge. This included one silver and two bronze awards
- Scottish Literature Week introduced finishing with a Burn’s Festival and competition
- P6 pupils achieved third in the inter-schools Euroquiz competition
- A successful Fair Trade Event and Global Citizenship initiatives
- In partnership with the Parent Council, the sponsored ‘Busby does a Marathon’ event helped to raise money for the school, charities and a summer fun day.
2010 – 2011
- ECO Green Flag achieved
- The Choir participated in the Glasgow Music Festival
- Trauchles established and embedded as part of the Busby Curriculum
- Pupil Progress and Achievement Folios set up
- In collaboration with Parents, a ‘Festival on the Field’ event was held to enrich home/school links
- Participation in Pop Connections at Greenbank Church
- In collaboration with parents and other stakeholders, the vision and values statement was reviewed
- Working alongside psychologists, the school nurse, Active Sports co-ordinator, parents and pupils, an extremely successful School Health Event was held at the school.