Busby Police investigate serious crime!

STEM week got well and truly underway with the STEM committee ‘ inspectors’ leading the investigation as to how one of our ipads got broken! The day started with a whole school assembly with some very special STEM ambassadors and visitors finding out about the crime, followed by the STEM detectives meeting with DI Hunter & PC Cunningham to formulate a plan to take forward the investigation.

Over the next few days, each class will investigate a particular aspect of the crime from fingerprint analysis, CCTV footage to DNA and footprint analysis. It is hope from today’s gathering of evidence, the team will be in a position to interview suspects of the crime tomorrow and perhaps be in a position to work out ‘whodunnit’ from there.

In addition to this, we had a very special visit from Mr Carmon, who shared his knowledge of being a radiographer with a number of classes, along with Mr Wallace, who visited some classes and delivered some hands on engineering activities. Dr Blyth also visited classes this morning to discuss parts of the body and how they work.

BUSBY POLICE We have created our own Busby Police logo.  We are all been having great fun learning about science.

Nursery 1 nursery 2 P1 Stem week

STEMM week letter to parents 2016