This afternoon we held a Ready, Steady, Cook! event to celebrate winning the first ever Better Eating, Better Learning Innovation Award. The Green Peppers (Ms Usmani, Jane Abraham, Rhuairidh, and Natasha) competed against the Red Tomatoes (Ms Cushley, Linda Gibson, Susannah and Razin) to create the best afternoon tea from a box of mystery ingredients. Watched by upper school pupils and invited guests both teams produced delicious teas. The Red Tomatoes were judged to have narrowly won the vote with their offering of bruschetta and vol au vents.
After the vote Alistair McIntyre, the ASSIST chair, presented Ben and Zara with the award. He spoke very highly of the school, saying that the work being done at Busby involving food is outstanding and that we are leading the way nationally.
Our thanks go to all team members from our Ready, Steady, Cook!challenge and to our VIP guests Janice Collins (Head of Service), Maureen Sneddon (QIO), Alistair McIntyre (ASSISTFM), Pamela Renton (Spaceright), Jason McKeown (Unilever), Gary Johnstone (Education Scotland), Lorna Aitken (Education Scotland), Loraine Lawrie (Facilities Management Quality Manager) and Nicki Joiner (Catering Co-ordinator). Thank you for attending and making our award presentation so special.