Homework 29.01.18 – 02.02.18

Please find this weeks homework listed below.

Monday to Thursday

Spelling – Words x 4 and multi-sensory activities.

Maths – Education City.

Talking and Listening – As our learning assembly is fast approaching, p6a are thinking about how they would like to format their assembly and examples of their learning that they would like to include. Please take time to chat about this at home and learners can add their thoughts and ideas to our Suggestions Box in class over the next week.

For Monday 5th

Reading –

Rowlings, Walliams and Dahls – Full ‘First News’ Newspaper


Homework 22.01.18 – 26.01.18

Please find this weeks homework listed below.

Monday to Thursday

Spelling – Words x 4 and multi-sensory activities.

Maths – Education City.

Literacy – In preparation for Robert Burns Day on Thursday 25th, primary 6 are encouraged to become familiar with a Robert Burns Poem (please see hand out, or research one of your choice!) to recite at our mini burns supper on Thursday afternoon. Recital of a poem is optional (but encouraged!) and does not need to be learned by heart. Get practising your best Scottish accents!

For Monday 29th

Reading –

Rowlings, Walliams and Dahls – Full poetry book.

Robert Burns Day – Please feel free to wear a little bit of tartan on this day!

Here’s our opinion!

Over this last week we have been looking at stating and justifying an opinion.

We looked at giving our opinions, followed by the justifications on different topics around the room.

After this, we stated and justified our opinions of our favourite books and created a class library to display them.

Here are some of our opinions and justifications:

The new star wars

Oliver: I love it because it’s funny and full of adventure!

Zach: Brilliant as it had lots of shocks and was very funny to watch.

Libby: It was very, very, very funny and exciting!

Harris: My opinion is that it’s not the best Star Wars movie but it’s still really good. Others are better because they have a slightly better story line.

Trains (Choo Choo!)

Muhammad Mu’aadh: I love trains because they go really fast and I like the sound that they make.

Laiba: I really like them because they are super fast and they make that hooting noise.

Ibrahim: My favourite type of trains are the ones powered by magnets because I like magnets.

Harry Potter

Lucas: Harry Potter is a really good book because you can always move on to the next in the series – until you finish them obviously!

Imaan: I’m not too keen on Harry Potter because I don’t really like books about magic and wizards and stuff like that – I think it’s a bit boring!

Zayaan: I think Harry Potter is really good because I love the spooky parts in the movies and I enjoy reading the books too.

Golden Time

Danyal: I think Golden Time is fun because you get to talk with your friends and have a wee break from work.

Hamza: I like it because it’s a really good chance to be free and do what you want instead of working.

Carla: My opnion on Golden Time is that I enjoy it because you get to play and not have to work although I feel it goes too fast!

Favourite Food

Joseph: My favourite food is samosas. I like them because they’re spicey and they taste really nice!

Cate: My favourite food is chicken pie because the taste is so good and it melts in my mouth!

Zoe: My favourite food is pizza because it’s super cheesy and every flavour goes together perfectly!

Arwaa: I like chicken because it’s really yummy and feels good in my tummy.




Homework 15.1.18 – 19.1.18

Please find this weeks homework listed below.

Monday to Thursday

Spelling – Words x 4 and multi-sensory activities.

Maths – Education City.

Literacy – Please bring in your favourite book. We’ll be using these as part of our ‘stating and justifying an opinion work’ so have a think about why this is your favourite book!

For Monday 22nd

Reading –  Rowlings, 3 listed stories and 1 of your choice.

Under the Ice, Charlotte’s Wanderers, and The Mouth-oragn Boys.

– Walliams, 3 listed stories and 1 of your choice.

Chi and the Seven-headed Dragon, The Wolf in the Bed, and The Giant’s Heart.

– Dahls, the full book.


Book Week Scotland!

During Book Week we were lucky to take part in lots of different book based activities!

We had visits from different people in the community who came in to read to us.

We loved listening to Mr Stink, which was read by Miss Bird, our active schools co-ordinator.

We also had the chance to do some reading of our own. We arranged to visit the nursery children and primary 1, 2, 3 and 4 to read to them. This meant we had the chance to visit the school library along with p6b to pick out our favourite books that we thought the other classes would love too.

Following some practice sessions, we read….







And read…

And read…

We really loved reading to other classes and we think that they enjoyed it too! We had such a good time reading that we’re going to try and arrange these story sessions again the future… watch this space!

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