French – Food topic


We have been learning how to say different types of food names in French and if we like them or dislike them.

J’aime =  I like

Je n’aime pas = I don’t like


Zach – J’aime les oignons et je n’aime pas les tomates.

Nathan – J’aime le gateau et je n’aime pas les tomates

Zayaan – J’aime le gateau et je n’aime pas les oignons

Zoe – J’aime le glace et je n’aime pas les carrotes.

Cate – J’aime les pommes et je n’aime pas les oignons

Ibrahim – J’aime le gateau et je n’aime pas les oignons

Joseph – J’aime les oignons et je n’aime pas les tomates.

Imaan – J’aime le poulet et je n’aime pas le fromage

Harris – J’aime le poulet et je n’aime pas les poires

Libby – J’aime le gateau et je n’aime pas les poires

Hamza – J’aime le gateau et je n’aime pas les carrots

Danyal – J’aime le glace et je n’aime pas les oignons

Oliver – J’aime le oeuf et je n’aime pas les tomates

Muhammad Mu’aadh – J’aime le gateau et je n’aime pas les tomates
We are going to be learning about different types of shops and creating our own ‘French’ café.


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The Burrell

The Burrell got its name because a man called William Burrell donated all of the things he had collected to Glasgow City Council.

P3A and B went to The Burrell yesterday to learn about the Ancient Egyptians.  We had to do some research to find facts about lots of things to do with the Egyptians when we were there.

We all got the chance to hold artefacts from Ancient Egypt.  We had to wear gloves when we were handling the items so the oil and acid from our fingers didn’t ruin the pieces.

We had a great trip!!






Do You Want to Build an Igloo?

Primary 3A have had a very busy but exciting week!

We continued our learning on Polar Lands and became very creative!

We learned that Inuit hunters will build an Igloo to stay overnight when they are on a hunt.  An Igloo is a house made out of block of snow.  The word Igloo actually means house.

We had to collect lots of milk cartoons.  Miss Innes and even Miss Innes’ mum collected them over the Christmas holidays and when we got back to school Primary 3A collected them too.  Once we had collected enough had to organise them into piles.  We modelled the first layer around six models.  Then we glued together and continued to build layers on top of one another.

We eventually ran out of milk cartons! We decided to improvise and so we created the roof with two white sheets.  We decorated it inside fairy lights, cushions and a white blanket.  We even have icicles hanging from the doorway!

Some people have been taking in their own animals that can be found in both the Arctic and Antarctic.

We had a great time working together to build our Igloo.  Thank you to everyone who helped us collect all the cartoons!

There are a few pictures below of the Igloo and its construction.




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Polar Lands

This term we are learning all about Polar Lands.  The Polar Lands are the Arctic and the Antarctic.

We know that the Arctic is also known as the North Pole because it most northern part of the world.  The Antarctic is also known as the South as it is the most Southern part of the world.  Both the Arctic and Antarctic are extremely cold.  The Antarctic is so cold that 90% of the worlds ice is found there!

You can find Polar Bears and Sled Dogs in the Artic and Penguins and Seals in the Antarctic.

Last week we were learning all about life in the Arctic.

Cate and Zach – In the Arctic the Inuit goes hunting for Mussels.   The dig under the snow and ice when the tide is out to search for Mussels.  They only have half an hour to an hour to find the Mussels and get out from under the ice or they will die from the tide coming back in.

Harris – The Inuit wears cosy warm clothes from Arctic animals because it is so cold.

Zayaan – The Inuit hunters will stay in an Igloo when they are out hunting.

Zach – The Inuit will use Sled Dogs for transport because they are very trustworthy.

Carla – The Inuit has a delicacy called  Kiviaq.  They caught birds called Awks and stored them in seal skins and buried them under stones and wood.  They left the Awks for a few months until they had fermented.

Nathan – It is so cold that Inuit will sometimes have icicles on their beards.

We created our own Intuits.  We used cotton wool to represent the woolly hoods that Inuit’s wear to keep warm.





Sun, Moon and the Earth

In Science P3A were learning about the sun, the moon and the earth. 

We found out lots of interesting facts –

It takes 24 hours for the Earth to make a whole turn on it’s axis (Zach and Ibrahim).

The Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis (Zoe).

The Sun is the closest star to the Earth. (Hamza)

The stars are big balls of fire (Carla).

The moon takes 28 days to go around the Earth (Lucas and Muhammad Mu’aadh).

The Earth takes 365 and a quarter days to orbit the sun (Joseph and Oliver) 

The moon has eight phases (Imaan).

We have four seasons because the Earth is tilted on its axis (Lucas).

We create some constellations using tin foil and white crayons.  Constellations are groups of stars that make pictures.  We looked at Draco, Pegasus, Orion, Ursa Major and The Plough .

Common and Uncommon Fruit and Vegetable Tasting Session

We have been learning about healthy eating.  To conclude our topic, we had a tasting session of common and uncommon fruits and vegetables. 

Miss Innes brought in a Star Fruit, a Pomegranate, a Sharon Fruit, a carrot with soil in it and some grapes.  Everyone tried at least one fruit. 

We thought the common fruits and vegetables were the grapes and the carrot.  The Star Fruit, the Sharon Fruit and the Pomegranate were uncommon to most people. 

Carla – ‘My favourite was the Star Fruit’.

Zach – ‘The Pomegranate had red seeds inside it that you could eat’.

Muhammad Mu’aadh – ‘The fruits were tasty.  My favourite was the Star Fruit’.

Ibrahim – ‘My favourites were the Star Fruit and the Pomegranate’.

Danyal – ‘I liked all of them!’.

Oliver – ‘My favourite was the Sharon Fruit’.

The tasting session taught us that we can try food we haven’t tried before and we might like it!

The Pictures show a whole Pomegranate and a Star Fruit. 

Rights Respecting School Award

In Primary 3A we have been learning about our Rights Respecting Schools.  Braidbar Primary School is trying to achieve the level one award  for Rights Respecting School.  We learned that the rights of every single child are in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  This document is known as the UNCRC for short.  A Convention is the same as a promise.

We learned that we all have rights but we also have responsibilities.  We made a Class Charter so we know some of our Rights and Rights Respecting Behaviour.  We picked some of the Rights we thought were most important to us.

We had a vote to decided the winning design of our Class Charter because it is our right to have an opinion.  There are some pictures below of our Class Charter.  Oliver came up with the winning design.

P3A’s Opinions

This week we have been learning about lots of different things. 

Zayaan – I learned how to add with carrying.

Carla – I enjoyed my writing because it was fun.  

Nathan – I enjoyed learning the two times table.

Joseph – I enjoyed painting Autumn Trees.

Cate – I enjoyed learning about the Mayflower.  The Mayflower is a boat that took people from England to America.

Harris – I enjoyed using pointillism to paint a picture.

Oliver – I enjoyed dividing by two in class.

Zach – I enjoyed doing the two times tables and some of the ten times table.

Imaan – I learned my three times table.

Danyal – I liked using pointillism to make fireworks.

Zoe – I enjoyed learning about the Mayflower and using pointillism. 

Hamza – I enjoyed using pointillism to make Autumn Trees.

Lucas – I learned the five times table and how to divide by two.

Muhammad Mu’aad – I learned that the Mayflower was not made to carry people.

Ibrahim – I enjoyed learning about the Mayflower.    

Libby – I enjoyed using pointillism to make Autumn Trees.

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