Flip Flopping Towards Summer!!

To get into the Summer spirit we created our very own flip flops.

We brought in a cereal box and in partners drew around our feet.  Once we the correct shape we then cut them out.

We painted and decorated our flip flops and used pipe cleaners and beads to make them fancy.

This will be our final blog of Primary 3.  Thank you for reading and have a wonderful summer!!

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School Fayre

On Saturday at the school fayre we sold our plant pots and our home made baking.  The top hats, tablet and flapjacks were the most popular and sold very quickly!  Some people were involved in selling our products.

Cate – I enjoyed giving people their cakes.

Lucas – I enjoyed giving people their cakes and buying them!

Carla – I enjoyed giving people their change and saying “have a nice day”.

Ibrahim – I enjoyed giving our customers their change.

Harris – I enjoyed eating the flapjacks!

We made a profit of £27.50!   Miss Innes and Mrs McNaught are going to use the profit to buy us a special treat next week….!

Thank you to everyone who bought our cakes!!


Budding Entrepreneurs

On Saturday at the Summer Fayre, we are going to be selling flower pots and homemade baking.

On Thursday we baked Empire Biscuits, Top Hats, Flapjacks and Crispy Cakes to sell.  We will also be selling Strawberry Tarts and Tablet made by Miss Innes’ Mum.

We decorated  flower pots and we have beautiful flowers growing inside them.

Hope to see you tomorrow at our stall!






Outdoor Maths

Primary 3A went outside to learn how to estimate and measure.

We worked in pairs.  We threw a beanbag and then estimated how far we had thrown it in centimetres and meters.  We recorded the information in our jotters.  We measured the distances with trundle wheels.

We all enjoyed getting outside, measuring and having fun!








Sumdog Challenge

Sumdog is a website that lets you play maths games.  Last week, there was a challenge for every class in East Renfrewshire.  Each child in each class had to answer 1000 questions!!  You had to answer an many as you could correctly.  At the end of the challenge there was a leader board to show the winner.

P3A came third place and every single person in P3A answered their 1000 questions!  Miss Innes was SO SO SO SO proud of everyone!  We also felt proud of ourselves and some of us were a little bit tired!

Miss Innes brought us in cookies and a Freddo to say well done.

Come and challenge us anytime!!!


Solar Eclipse

Today (Friday 20th March) there was a Solar Eclipse.  We know that a Solar Eclipse is when the moon travels in front of the sun and hides it.  When a Solar Eclipse happens it becomes really dark and cold.

Yesterday, we made Solar Eclipse viewers using two paper plates.



We had to be very carefully when we were making the hole because we used a screwdriver to make one big enough.  We made this viewer because it is not safe to look directly at the Eclipse.  If you look directly at it you can possibly damage your eyes or be blinded.

We went up to the pitch to try and get a good view of the Solar Eclipse.  It was quite cloudy which made it hard for us to see it.  When the cloud passed we were able to see the moon covering the sun.  Miss Innes got a couple of photographs.  If you zoom in on the first photograph, you can see the Eclipse quite clearly.





Thank you for reading our Blog!


Mothers Day

P3A made Mothers Day cards last week.  We are going to dedicate this blog post to all our P3A  Mums.


I love my Mum because she makes good dinners and she is the best Mum in the world – Zach.


I love my Mummy because she helps me – Joseph.


I love my Mum because she massages my back – Harris.


I love my Mum because she makes me dinner – Nathan.


I love my Mum because she buys me stuff – Danyal.


I love my Mum because she reads me stories – Libby.


I love my Mum because she makes me laugh – Imaan.


I love my Mummy because she give me hugs when I need one – Cate.


I love my Mum because she gives me anything I want – Hamza.


I love my Mum because she helps me with my homework – Ibrahim.


I love my Mum because she makes me laugh – Zayaan.


I love my Mama because she tickles me and because she’s the best Mum in the world – Muhammah Mu’aadh.


I love my Mum because she makes me laugh – Oliver.


I love my Mother because she cares about me – Zoe.






Polar Explorers

P3A have been learning about Polar Explorers.  Miss Innes put us in groups and gave us some information about Polar Explorers.  In our groups we made mind maps of important information about our Explorer and then we made a poster based on him.

We found out that Polar Explorers are people who go to the Arctic and Antarctic.

Zach, Nathan, Libby and Muhammad Mu’aadh research Frederick A. Cook.  He was an American who explored the Arctic .


Ibrahim, Joseph, Hamza and Imaan researched Robert Edwin Peary.  He travelled to the Arctic in 1909 on a ship called the Roosevelt.


Harris, Zoe, Cate and Zayaan researched Roald Amundsen.  He travelled to the Antarctic on a ship called the Fram in 1911.


Oliver, Danyal and Carla researched Robert Falcon Scott.  He travelled to the Antarctic in 1902 on a ship called the Terra Nova.


Thank you for reading our Blog, hopefully you have learned something about Polar Explorers!!

A Busy Week!

We have had a very busy week in P3A and would like to share with you what we have learned –

Cate – I learned what shapes can tessellate.

Joseph – I found out that penguins go limp when they are being attacked.

Libby – I have found out that penguins have lots of blubber to keep them warm.

Zach – I learned about hundred, tens and units.  I also know to find a fraction of a whole number you divide by the bottom number and times by the top.

Zoe – I learned that Leopard Seal eats penguins.

Harris – I learned how to find a fraction of a whole number.

Imaan – I learned that you can’t tessellate shapes unless they have straight edges.

Carla – I enjoyed learning about homophones.

Muhammad Mu’aadh – I enjoyed my reading book ‘The Evil Genie’.

Hamza – I enjoyed learning about the parable of The Lost Sheep.

Oliver – I enjoyed learning about Penguins.  I learned that when one baby chick hatches it makes a noise to encourage the others to hatch from their eggs.

Ibrahim – I was learning about fractions.  How to find a quarter of a number.

Zayaan – I enjoyed writing my story.

Nathan – I enjoyed learning about penguins.  I learned that when they swim really fast it looks like a jet under water.

Danyal – I learned that Penguins can swim 15 miles per hour in the water.


Hopefully we have taught you a little about our week!!

The Northern and Southern Lights

P3A have been learning about the Northern and Southern Lights.

Did you know that there is another name for the Northern Lights?  We found out that it is the Aurora Borealis.  These lights can be found in the Arctic.

The Southern Lights are found in the Antarctic and they are called the Aurora Australis

These lights are formed when the sun’s solar storms are brought towards Earth by solar winds.

We created our own Northern Lights picture.  We used different colours of chalk and we developed our blending technique to produce our own art work.

Miss Innes thinks they look FANTASTIC!!! What do you think?!






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