The Rainforest in our Classroom

DSC04875 Our IDL topic this term is the Amazonian Rainforest.  As it was not possible to travel to South America to see the animals, Mrs McNaught arranged for some of the animals to come and visit us.

DSC04887Toby – I didn’t know that tarantulas kept very still and then jumped at their prey.

Muriam – I enjoyed holding the corn snake.  I t felt very smooth.

Zaina – I enjoyed when the tree frog jumped out of its box and hid under Mrs McNaught’s chair!!!!!

Rebecca – I learned that some snakes and tarantulas would never go near humans.

Imogen – I enjoyed the whole experience but my favourite part was holding the corn snake.  Very Brave!!!

Ryan – I leant that millipedes from the rainforest grip tightly with all their legs.


DSC04906Waniya – I enjoyed holding the millipede.  Its legs felt very tickly.

Zara – I liked stroking the frog.

DSC04901Alex – I enjoyed holding the corn snake.  Its scales felt very tickly when it moved.

Isla – I learnt that not all snakes are venomous.


Adam – I liked holding the snake.

Alexa – I enjoyed the whole experience.

Heather – I enjoyed stroking the corn snake.

DSC04889Emilie – I didn’t know that millipedes don’t have a million legs.

Zia – I enjoyed seeing and holding the snake.

Matilda – I didn’t know that there used to be a rainforest in our country a long time ago.

DSC04877Eden – I liked when the tree frog escaped from its box.




Pirate Assembly

Today was P3’s class assembly and it was all about our learning during our ‘Pirate’ topic.

Here are some of our thoughts …

Adam – I liked singing the pirate song.DSC04848

Emilie – I liked when I saw my dad at the end.

Zia – I liked saying my part.DSC04849

Imogen – I enjoyed reading my acrostic poem to the audience.DSC04857

Zara – I enjoyed everything!!!

Isla – I thought it was funny when my bandana fell off.

Zaina – I enjoyed everything.

Muriam – I enjoyed showing my pirate flag.DSC04859

(Well done Muriam for standing in at the last moment for Waniya.  You said your lines very clearly.)

Matthew – I enjoyed coming into the hall

William – I enjoyed singing the pirate song.DSC04861

Samyan – I gave a very good performance.

Katie – I like taking a salute at the end.

Alex – I performed very well.DSC04851

Rebekah – I first I felt very nervous, then I felt excited when we started our assembly.

Atiya- I enjoyed speaking out in a big voice.

Ewan – I enjoyed the music at the start.

Toby – I enjoyed singing the pirate song.

Matilda – I enjoyed reading my recount of our trip to the Tall Ship.

Rebecca – I thought it was really fun.

Heather – I enjoyed saying my lines.

Alexa – I enjoyed everything.  I felt really happy when everyone started to clap at the end of my story.DSC04858

Eden – I enjoyed the play fighting when we came into the hall.

Ryan – I liked reading out my acrostic poem.

Aiman – I enjoyed singing the song.

Mrs McNaught – Well done and thank you Primary Three for all your hard work.  You all gave a fantastic performance.



A very special visitor!

On Friday the 6th of November we had a visit from Imogen’s Mum who came to speak about healthy eating.

Imogen’s Mum spoke to us about healthy baking and how to make healthy choices both at home and at school.DSC04751



Together P3 and Imogen’s Mum baked some banana muffins.

First we had to peel the bananas.

Next we cut the bananas into small slices.

After that we mashed the bananas in our bowls.

Once the bananas were mashed we added 1 egg and mixed it in.DSC04759

Then we added coconut oil, vanilla extract, maple syrup, buckwheat & baking powder mixing them in our bowl.DSC04762

Once our mixture was ready we poured it into some muffin cases ready to be baked.

We preheated our ovens at 200 degrees.  Once the ovens were ready we put in our muffins.DSC04783

After 20 minutes our muffins were ready and smelted amazing.

At the end of the day we enjoyed our muffins together, they tasted just wonderful

Pirates A-Hoy!

To help us learn more about Pirates Mrs McNaught oraganised a  wonderful trip to the Tall Ship on the River Clyde.


DSC04568Emily – Pirates used cats to catch mice.

Alex – I enjoyed scrubbing the decks.


Zaina – The Captain  had a lovely kitchen called a galley and bedroom.  The bed was tiny!

Rebecca – I enjoyed finding the treasure.

Muriam –  Ringing the bell was fun.


Zara – We looked for the clues to find the hidden treasure.

Alexa – I enjoyed everything!!!!


Imogen – Pirates slept in bunk beds or hammocks.

Matilda – Bugs called weevils got into the biscuits. Ugh!!!


Rebekah – I enjoyed looking at the ship.

Isla – I enjoyed  meeting the ship’s cat called Jock.

Waniya – I enjoyed touching the treasure.


William – I found out that cabin boys had to scrub the decks.

Samyan – I enjoyed counting the mice in the galley.


Ryan – I enjoyed watching the video clip when we first  arrived.

Toby – We used the clues from the treasure hunt to open the padlocks on the chest.


Matthew – I enjoyed wearing the Captain’s hat.

Heather – I enjoyed singing the Pirate songs.


Adam – I saw Jock the ship’s cat.

Aiman – I enjoyed scrubbing the decks.

Ewan – It was interesting to see all the different parts of the ship.


Eden – I enjoyed counting the mice in the galley.

Katie – Pirates like to sing sea shanties.

Zia – I enjoyed scrubbing the decks.


We had lunch on below decks and then went to visit the Transport Museum.  It was really interesting as well because we have been learning about life in the past. We saw the steam trains and paddle steamers which took people  on their holidays during  Victorian times.


The Great Braidbar Bake Off


We brought in aprons so we didn’t get our uniforms messy.


We measured the ingredients using a digital scale and  measuring spoons.


We put butter, sugar and maple syrup into a pan ready to be melted into caramel.

DSC04551We then added porridge oats to the mixture.  The caramel smelt really yummy!   DSC04550

Once the porridge oats were covered with the caramel we poured the oats into a baking tray.  To get an even flapjack we flattened the mixture with a spoon. DSC04555

With our soon to be flapjack mixture spread onto the baking tray it was time to bake them in the oven. As they were baking we began to clean up, baking is hard work!DSC04541

Finally when our flapjacks were golden brown we took them out the oven to cool.  The next day we melted chocolate to spread on the flapjacks.

We had as much fun eating our flapjacks as baking them!




Our Amazing Body

In Science, we have been learning about our amazing bodies.  We had no idea, so much was happening inside us when we eat something.  Mr Shaw helped us to learn about our digestive system through this experiment.

DSC04530 (2)First we demonstrated how food passes down our throat from our mouth.

DSC04532 (2) Mr Shaw explained that our stomach contains acid which helps break down our food.

DSC04533 (2) We used oatmeal and water to demonstrate how our stomach breaks down the food we eat. It looked disgusting!

DSC04534 (2) After the oatmeal was ‘digested’ in our stomach it needed to go into our intestines. We used a pair of tights to demonstrate how our intestines squeeze the nutrients we need out of the digested food.

DSC04535 (2) We all have a large and small intestine. The large intestine is 4m long while the small intestine is 7m long.

DSC04536 (2) Finally the nutrients our intestines squeezed out is sent into our liver. The whole process takes between 16 – 21 hours.

We are looking forward to learn about how our brain works.

A Big Welcome Back From P3

Welcome to Primary 3’s first blog of the session. We hope you will read our blogs to keep up to date with our learning.

We would really like to thank all the mums, dads, grans and aunties who came to visit us on the open afternoon.  You were all a fantastic help when we were making our straw skeletons.  Here are some pictures of the finished results.

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We found out this afternoon that we won the most votes for the best line award.  We are really looking forward to our extended playtime.

Katie Morag and life on an Island


We have been learning about Katie Morag. Katie has two grandmothers who are very different. Katie lives on the Isle of Struay which is actually the Isle of Coll. We have been looking at maps of the UK and found the Isle of Coll which is just off the West coast of Scotland. The lady who wrote the Katie Morag books grew up on the Isle of Coll.

Spring Break


Although we are all glad to be back at school, we wanted to share our favourite memory of the Spring holidays…………………………


Samyan ” At Mosque, I made chocolate cakes.”


William ” I liked going to the cinema with my granny.”


Zia ” I had a water fight with my cousin”


Muriam ” I went  to my cousin’s Wedding.”


Ewan ” Dad took me swimming and there were giant floats.”


Rebecca “It was my birthday and I went to the cinema with my family.”


Atiya ” I went to Turkey and loved playing in the swimming pools.”


Aiman ” I met Zia at Mosque.”


Matthew ” I liked being at the airport when I was going to Japan.”


Alex ” I enjoyed going to the caravan with my mum, dad, brother Andrew and cousins.”


Rebekah ” I went to my grans’ friends house and saw all of her different animals.”


Eden ” I enjoyed going to my friend’s house.”


Matilda ” I went to my gran’s for a sleepover and when we went for a walk, we found a tree swing.”


Zara ” I enjoyed going to Bannockburn and trying on the chainmail.”


Zaina ” I enjoyed going to the caravan.”


Alexa ” I liked going to the caravan with my family and we discovered a beach.”


Katie ” I went to a caravan with my family and we drove to a big park.”


Emilie ” I enjoyed skiing with my family in France.”


Heather ” I went to Qatar and loved going to the beach.”


Imogen ” I enjoyed going to see Cinderella with my cousin.”


Ryan ” When I got back from Ireland, I got to play Mine craft.”


Waniya ” Zaina came over to my house and we played outside.”


Mrs Brown ” I loved spending time with my family in Florida and particularly loved going on the rollercoasters.”

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