Week Beginning 12th September

We have had another busy week, filled with lots of fun and learning (and wasps)!

It would have been Roald Dahl’s 100th birthday this week and there were lots of things happening linked to this. On Thursday we took part in an online ‘Author’s Live’ chat with Matthew Fitt who has written many of Roald Dahl’s books in Scots language. We enjoyed it but did not understand all of the words. Some of the class have asked to learn more about Scots language.

In Science we have been learning about the different states of water. We have been learning about melting, condensation and evaporation. Next week we are looking forward to learning about The Water Cycle.

We have also been learning how to make notes and create a new text using these notes. This week we created summaries of our favourite books. They were so good that they will all be displayed within the classroom.

‘I think the experiments in Science are great fun.’ Emilie

‘I enjoyed our writing this week. I learned how to make good notes so that I can use them.’ Muriam

‘In PE I enjoyed Handball, I learned how to dribble, shoot and pass’. Ewan

‘On Friday morning we went to the assembly performed by the P3 class. It was very good and I really enjoyed it.’ Aisha

Week 3

This week we had our open afternoon, thank you to all those who came to visit us. We learned about orienteering.

‘We learned how to use maps. It was great fun!’ Eden

We had our first school achievement assembly for this session. Katie was chosen as one of the ‘Sensational Seven’ for her super listening skills during the assembly. Isla and Aisha will be the first pupils in our class to have their names on the school achievement wall this year for super achievements. Well done Aisha, Isla and Katie!

As a school we all be taking part in the ‘First Minister’s Reading Challenge.’

‘I liked looking at all the recommended books and finding out about the challenge.’ Imogen

‘As part of the challenge Aisha and I decided to start a book club in the playground. We have 12 people signed up to join us already.’ Waniya

‘We are learning about spreadsheets and we went round the classes to find out who likes reading and who doesn’t. We are going to use the spreadsheets to sort this information.’ Muriam

In Science we have been learning about water.

‘Water can be a solid, a liquid and a gas.’ Samyan
‘When molecules are heated they move further apart. This made our ice turn into a liquid.’ TobyIMG_6227[1]



Week 2




We have had another great and full week in Primary 4!

Each pupil created2 – 3 targets for the term ahead and these have been displayed on our ‘Goals’ wall.

We also learned how to write basic greetings in French.

In ICT we have been revising how to use spread sheets.

During art we created portraits of each other and in Social Studies we have been taking a closer look at our school and it’s surroundings.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at our open afternoon next week.

Welcome to P4!

Welcome to our Primary 4 blog! We have had a great start to the term. This is what the pupils have to say about our first week back. (Photographs will follow soon)

‘After my first week back, I feel tired but I really enjoyed the week. I am very excited about being chosen as the Rights Respecting School Representative.’ Matilda

‘I enjoyed making the Class Charter.’ Zara

‘I enjoyed French, we were making French flags with our name and age.’ Muriam

‘I enjoyed PE, we played football.’ Zia

‘I liked meeting my friends again and playing football.’ Ryan

‘I enjoyed everything, especially art. We made pattern pictures.’ Katie

‘I liked Drama with Mrs Brown, we were playing a fun game called Whoosh.’ Isla

‘I like P4 because we are upstairs now.’ Ewan

‘My favourite thing about Primary 4 is that we get to go to pitch on a Wednesday.’ Waniya

‘I like P4 because we get to be in the big playground.’ Heather

‘At the start of P4 I was really nervous but then I really liked it and I enjoy being in P4’ Rebekah

‘I enjoyed making our hand signatures for the Class Charter and doing drama with Mrs Brown.’ ALexa

‘I have enjoyed all of this week and I am looking forward to next week and meeting our new pupil.’ Rebecca

‘I like P4 because we have more than one teacher.’ Imogen

‘I like to go to the pitch and play football.’ Adam

‘I like P4 because I am back with my friends.’ William

‘I like doing harder work.’ Atiya

‘ I’ve enjoyed P4 because I can see all my friends again’. Alex

‘I’ve enjoyed seeing my friends again.’ Aiman

‘ I liked the new system at the lunch hall’. Toby

‘I like P4 because I get to have nice teachers.’ Samyan

‘I enjoyed this week because I am back with my friends.’ Aaron

‘I enjoyed the new maths activities. ‘Matthew

‘I like P4 because we get harder work.’ Eden

As you can see we have had a very busy but enjoyable week. Stayed tuned for photographs and continued updates on life in Primary 4. 🙂

Road to Rio

As a celebration of the forth coming Olympic games to be held in Rio, cluster Primary 3 classes had an opportunity to try a variety of activities such as archery, football, athletics and cricket.  As you can see from the photographs a good time was had by all.


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Egyptian Gods

Here are some photographs of our personal research on Egyptian Gods.  It was lovely to see all the different styles of research such as power points, posters, models and even a non fiction book.

Mrs McNaught was delighted with all our efforts and thanks mums and dads for all their support.

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World Book Day



This week in Braidbar we have been celebrating World Book Day.  We have taken part in different activities but on Friday we dressed up as a character from our favourite book.

Here are our costumes.

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Primary 3 Golden Time

Primary 3 really enjoy their golden time on a Friday afternoon.  Here is a selection of some of our activities. We like to work together and help each other.  Mrs McNaught is always very impressed with our tidying up, which usually earns us house points as a reward!!!!

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