Outdoor Learning Day!

What a fantastic day we had for National Outdoor Learning Day!

‘I was making angles using twigs.’ Waniya

‘I enjoyed making the word BOUNCEBACK using sticks.’ Zara

‘I enjoyed collecting sticks to create words.’ Samyan

‘I learnt how make a cinquain poem.’ Muriam

‘I learned how to make different angles using sticks.’ Katie

‘Making the animals out of natural materials was fun,’ Matilda

‘I learned how to make 2D shapes using sticks.’ Aaron

‘I liked playing with my friends and collecting sticks.’ Alexa

Happy Easter Everyone!

We have had a fun filled last week at school!

We made healthy pizza using a wholemeal base and lots of healthy ingredients.

We took part in an Egg hunt in the school garden.


We also used the Chrome books to research Easter traditions in France.

Term 3 has been very busy and we have achieved so much! We wish everyone a fantastic time over the holidays!

Comic Relief Fun


‘I enjoyed Science today because we got to go outside and look for minibeasts’. Muriam

‘I liked when we performed our gymnastics routine’. Rebekah

(Mr Gordon is currently making a video of the routines and we will hopefully have a link to share with you soon).

‘I learned that lots of people in different countries don’t have homes and have to live in the streets’ . Emilie

‘I enjoyed designed a new style of red nose for the school competition. Mine was called Military Snort’. Ryan

‘I fell in the gymnastics routine but it was very funny’. Aisha

‘I learnt that the first ever red nose was just a plain red nose and Mrs Andrews had one of them’. Matilda



Mini beasts, iPads and Glasgow Quizzing

This week we have learned about mini beast habitats, looking at woodland and meadow habitats. We actually have real life woodland mini beasts in the class today. There are many eggs and one of them hatched today. We have called 2 of them ‘Wiggle’ and ‘Pinky’.

We have created a presentation about Glasgow to send to our French link school and created a quiz for them to answer. We are looking forward to them sending us the information about Paris. We also used iPads to collect information on Yammer about something that we are interested in, e.g. favourite country, favourite computer game, etc. Next week we will use this information to create a graph to present our results.

‘Rebecca and I have started a worm company to help save the worms.’ Matilda

‘I enjoyed helping out with the worm eggs’. Ryan

‘I enjoyed when Heather and I got to dig around the mud looking for worm eggs’. Alexa

‘Isla and I have started a club ‘The Laughing Club’ where we try to make people laugh and feel happy.’ Aisha

‘I enjoyed using Yammer. It was fun voting on all the polls.’ Adam

‘I enjoyed the problem solving task that we worked on. I learned how to use the strategy ‘Look for a Pattern’. Muriam

‘I learned how to carry out a survey on Yammer. It was great fun and quite easy.’ Rebekah.

World Book Day Celebrations and Goodbye Toby!

What a fantastic time we have had celebrating World Book Day. Thank you to all the pupils who brought/made props to bring in and shared these with us. The pupils made an excellent job of explaining their props and talking about their books. ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ was a popular book with 3 of our pupils choosing to talk about this book.

P7 pupils very kindly came in to read to us and were great at leading the stories.

We also wrote newspaper articles about one of our favourite books, ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and these are displayed on the wall outside our classroom.

‘For World Book Day, everyone brought in marvellous things. I brought in a cat from the ‘The Worst Witch’. Katie

‘I brought in a homemade wand from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’. Matilda

”I feel like it was a good idea to be ‘texting boy’ from demon dentist.’ Isla

We are all very sad to say goodbye to Toby and had a little party to celebrate all the good times we have had with him. He has promised that he will keep in touch with us all. He is a wonderful boy and will be missed by all of us very much. Good luck with all your new exciting adventures Toby!!!

‘I think my time at Braidbar was wonderful.’ Toby


Week Beginning 20th February

This week, as always, we have been learning lots of things.

In Science we are continuing to learn about mini beasts.

‘We are learning to sort insects into different types of mini beasts.’ Toby

‘Today we were focusing on beetles, I learned that there are different types of beetles, like the Dor Beetle.’  Katie

‘I brought in my magazines about mini beasts and samples of real mini beasts.’ Adam

In PE we were creating gymnastics routines.

‘ I enjoyed performing my cartwheels and shoulder stands.’ Emilie

‘I enjoyed using the trampette.’ Rebecca

‘ We learned how to make a human pyramid and Ryan was at the top.’ Matthew

‘I enjoyed using the basketball hoop.’ Aiman


In ICT we were using Education City to enhance our French vocabulary.

‘ I liked making the pictures using colours in French.’ Imogen.

‘It was fun listening to the French number and then choosing the correct number in English.’ Alex




French Pen Pals


Exciting news this week! We received letters and cards from our French pen pals. They wrote a bit about themselves and made us beautiful cards.

‘My card was from Alec and he has a dog and a cat.’ Adam

‘My card was from Angie, she had no pets.’ Katie

‘My Pen Pal is from Mali but lives in France.’ Alex

‘My  Pen Pal is from China but lives in France.’ Matilda

‘My idea is that we could make bookmarks to send out to them. We will do this in a few weeks.’ Atiya


Primary 1 came to share their stories with us about a magic fairy door.

‘ They were very imaginative.’ Waniya

‘We would like to read our stories to P1.’ Samyanimg_7980

Rabbie Burns Celebration

This afternoon we had a workshop to celebrate the life and times of Robert Burns.  We took part in lots of activities and learned some new songs.

Zia – I enjoyed learning the words of ‘Auld Lang Syne’.




Muriam  –  I really liked taking part in the quiz about facts about Robert Burns.


Rebecca – I enjoyed playing one of the witches in ‘Tam O’Shanter’.

Toby – I liked playing the devil.

Aaron – I enjoyed playing the part of Robert Burns.

Waniya – I feel that I know much more about Robert Burns and his work.

Alexa – I enjoyed making up a dance.

Isla – I enjoyed pretending to be on the beach in the 1750’s.


Another Great Week – 16th January 2017

img_7928img_7924img_7923img_7934Another exiting and fun week this week!

We used the iPads to carry out a survey about PE and physical exercise. We also learned about Yammer. We are going to use it to share our successes as a class and carry out surveys. We will focus on how to use it properly this term.

‘We learned that when we are online we should never talk to people we don’t know. If we are on Yammer we must only use it for our class chat.’ Imogen

‘We learned that when we are using Yammer it has to be for school things.’ Samyan

‘We learned that we should never say bad or unkind things to anyone online.’ Heather


This week we also tried out the ‘Daily Mile’ route. We tried it on Friday and were puffed out but feeling good. We are going to start running the mile every Thursday. Please bring PE kits on a Thursday from now on.

‘I think it is a good way to keep fit.’ Muriam

‘It was very good fun but I was tired out after it.’ Katie


We also learned about Roman Numerals this week.

‘I learned that in Roman Numerals you can only use one of the letters up to 3 times, e.g. VIII = 8      X = 10’  Waniya

We also took part in an Authors’ Live event through Glow and got to watch Chris Riddell answering lots of questions about himself and his job.

‘I really enjoyed the Authors Live meet with Chris Riddell. I liked that he was able to draw people without even looking at them closely.’ Isla

‘I liked that he drew the answers to the questions.’ Alexa

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