Enterprise Workshop with RBS

Last week, we had a visit from Lynsey and Joanna from The Royal Bank of Scotland. They helped deliver a workshop about Enterprise. We worked in small groups to plan a birthday party. We found it quite tricky to work with a budget! We received  a fabulous goodie bag! Thank you RBS!

Primary 5 Homework W/B: 11.12.17



Reading – Prepare 1 or 2 questions about your book that you would like to discuss in your group.

Sumdog or Hit the Button Games on Top Marks


Whole School Homework

Homework Task week beginning  11th December

Dear Parent/Carer,

As part of our updated homework policy, the children will be working on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  It allows children to become familiar with some of the articles and their impact, as well as opening up conversations at home.

It is an online resource which our RRS Committee trialled last year.

Your child has registered with The Children’s Rights Launchpad and their username and password are in their class diaries.

Primary 1-4 will be working on UNICEF Launchpad 1.  Primary 5-7 will be working on UNICEF Launchpad 2.

Please follow the link below;


Homework Week Beginning 4th December 2017

Braidbar Primary School

Homework W/b 4th December 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

Physical Education is a very important part of your child’s Health and Wellbeing. This week your child’s homework focusses on this part of the school curriculum. Your child will be given a sheet home today, along with a description of the many benefits that an active lifestyle has, asking them to complete two tasks.

The first task is to simply colour/highlight any of the afterschool clubs that Braidbar Primary has put on offer this school year.

The second task asks each pupil to complete a Physical Activity diary for the upcoming week. This can include Braidbar Primary clubs that the pupil attends, clubs that each pupil attends out with the school environment or any physical tasks that the pupil decides to do her/himself.

Thank you for your continuing help and support in this area.

Mr Stuart Gordon (Physical Education Teacher)

Task 1 = colour any clubs that you have attended this school year.

P6&7 Running Club

P6&7 Football Club

P7 Netball Club

P4&5 Football Club

P2&3 Rugby Club

P4-7 Skiing Club

P1-4 Tennis Club

P4&5 Fitness Club

P2&3 Multiskills Club

P7 Young Leaders

P5-7 Squash Club

Chess Club

Task 2 = complete a timetable for this week of any Physical Activities that you have taken part in. This could be school clubs, other clubs or activities that you have done yourself.






Entrepreneurs at work!

Primary 5 have been busy learning about Enterprise. We have established business groups and designed logos. Also, we have conducted market research and carried out surveys to investigate the demand for our chosen product. As a result, we have decided to produce Sweet Cones to sell for £1.

Pupils from the class have convinced Miss Cumming to give us a loan in order for us to produce our Sweet Cones. Miss Cumming has agreed. We had to work very hard to follow all the conditions set by Miss Cumming. She would make a tough dragon on Dragon’s Den! Any profits we make will be donated to the charity SSPCA.

As a result, we had a very productive afternoon today. We spent the afternoon making our Sweet Cones. We will be advertising them and starting to sell our Sweet Cones week beginning 11th December. We hope you will support us in this enterprising project!

St. Andrew’s Day

Primary 5 have enjoyed celebrating St. Andrew’s Day. Many children came dressed in tartan dresses, ties, scarves and hats. We enjoyed finding out more about St. Andrew in class. We created a fact file using the information we had learned today.

Book Week

As part of Book Week, we have had lots of visitors in Primary 5 sharing their love of books. We have thoroughly enjoyed listening to lots of different stories.

Book Scavenger Hunt

The winners of the Book Scavenger Hunt!


We were very lucky to have Safina Mazhar visit the class. She is a real life author and is currently writing her fourth book. Her first book is called Run To Earth and the main character is a boy called Aaron Adams. Safina spoke to us about the writing process and where she gets her ideas. We will try and use some of her tips in class and at home to help develop our writing skills. We have some budding authors in Primary 5!

Emilie – I can’t wait to get home and start reading!

Aaron – It gave me an idea for a book I want to write.

Ryan – I want to go and order the book as soon as I get home.

Rebecca – After Safina’s chat, I want to start reading the series.

Alexa – I can’t believe Mrs Ali is a character in the third book!



Primary 5 working with ICT partners on a Minecraft coding activity.

Alex- I found the coding good fun because it was quite tricky. My favourite level was level 14.

Matthew – I found it tricky because I chose hard mode. My favourite level was 4.

Matilda  – It was a challenge but it was fun!

Alexa – I didn’t think I would finish the all the levels but we did!


Healthy Eating with Karen!

Primary 5 enjoyed a fabulous afternoon of preparing healthy snacks using fruits and vegetables. They have volunteered to make some snacks for you to enjoy at home! Watch this space!

By applying my knowledge and understanding of current healthy eating advice I can contribute to a healthy eating plan. HWB 2-30a

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