Primary 5 Homework W/B:29.1.18


Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday.

Maths – Mental Maths Sheet and Sumdog

Swimming – P5 will be swimming every Thursday. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.

Primary 5 look forward to presenting their assembly on Wednesday 31st January at 9.15am. We look forward to seeing you there!

Robert Burns Workshop and Scots Verse

Primary 5 participated in a Robert Burns workshop today. They enjoyed some dancing, drama and story telling. The pupils had a wonderful time!

Ewan – I liked listening to the music of the 17th century.

Imogen – It was fun learning about the life of Robert Burns.

Matilda – I enjoyed learning the traditional dance for the New Year.

Rebekah – It was fun learning about the jobs they did in the 17th century.

Scots Verse

Primary 5 have been working hard to learn a Scots Verse this week. Isla, Muriam, Aisha and Waniya chose “A Dug a Dug” by Bill Keys. They performed it with a fantastic accent and some actions. Ewan and Eden performed “Street Talk” by J.K. Annand. They both enjoyed the challenge of learning and reciting a Scottish poem.

Primary 5 Homework W/B:22.1.18


Reading – Prepare 1 or 2 questions about your book that you would like to discuss in your group. Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday.

Maths – Sumdog

Swimming – P5 will be swimming every Thursday. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.

Scots Verse – Please prepare a Scots Verse poem for class. There will be a Robert Burns workshop on Thursday 25th January. The best recitals will be performed in our class assembly on Wednesday 31st January. You can select one from the booklet provided or choose your own. Good luck!



Primary 5 have been working on gymnastic skills during P.E. we have some very flexible children in the class.!


Primary 5 busy researching using Chromebooks.

Primary 5 Homework W/B: 15.1.18


Reading – Prepare 1 or 2 questions about your book that you would like to discuss in your group. Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday.

First Minister’s Reading Challenge

Maths – Education City

Road Safety – Please reinforce road safety procedures with your child. We will be revising this in class. Be safe!

Swimming – P5 will start a block of swimming on Thursday 18th January. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.


The Vikings!

In Term 3, Primary 5 will be studying The Vikings as part of the Social Studies programme. We started the study by brainstorming what we know already and what we would like to find out about. Primary 5 were full of great ideas!

I can investigate a Scottish historical theme to discover how past events or the actions of individuals or groups have shaped Scottish society.

SOC 2-03a

I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a discussion of the similarities and differences.

SOC 2-04a

Image result for the vikings

Sweetie Cones Part 2

Primary 5 have been very busy over the last couple of weeks making Sweetie Cones to sell as part of their Enterprise project.

Amazingly, we sold out on the first day of sales. We did not want to disappoint anyone so we went back into production to produce more Sweetie Cones. Batch number 2 also sold out on the next day of sale.

We would like to say a massive thank you to all parents and pupils who helped to make this project so successful. We are going to donate all of our profits to our chosen two charities, SSPCA and Cancer Research.

Image result for success images

Explosive Science!

As part of our Science programme, we created a mini volcanic eruption in the classroom. We discussed what we thought might happen.

Matthew – I think the vinegar will react with the bicarbonate of soda and give off a gas.

Scientist Matthew was absolutely correct! The vinegar (acid) reacted with the bicarbonate of soda (alkali) and produced carbon dixoide.

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