Viking Project

I was delighted to see how hard pupils had worked on their Viking projects. There was a mixture of power points, posters and 3D models. The pupils enjoyed learning about the different aspects of Vikings from their peers.

Below you can see pictures of some of the amazing projects!

Primary 5 Homework W/B:5.3.18


Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday.

Maths – Sumdog or Hit the Button

Vikingar! – Please return letters by the end of the week. We are still looking for volunteers to accompany us to Vikingar!

Visit to Giffnock Library

Primary 5 visited Giffnock Library last Tuesday. We had the opportunity to discuss our favourite books and talk about our Reading Passport. Some pupils have completed their Reading Passport and are now onto their second one.

Well done!

Primary 5 Homework W/B:26.2.18

Spelling – Multi-sensory activity

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday.

Maths – Sumdog or Hit the Button

Swimming – This is the last week of swimming. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.

ExPLORE Project – The project is due in on Thursday 1st March. Power points can be emailed to me. Also, please ensure you have a talk to present on Thursday.

Giffnock Library Visit – We will be visiting the library on Tuesday 27th February. Please remember your Reading Passports.

Vikingar! – Please return letters by Friday 2nd March.

World Book Day 2018 

Image result for world book day

With World Book Day fast approaching, we wanted to let you know about how we plan to celebrate it this year!

Amongst the whole school activities that we will be doing on Friday 2nd March, the Parent Council have also organised a very exciting event………………………

Braidbar Parent Council are planning a Book Swap to celebrate World Book Day.  We ask that on Thursday 1st March pupils bring in a book they are happy to swap.  On Friday 2nd March they will have an opportunity to choose a new book to take home.  Please note that children may donate more than one book but each pupil will only be allowed to take one book home.  Left over books will be offered to the school for the library or classrooms (any extra will be donated to local charity shops).

We look forward to celebrating books and reading with you!

Tesco Bank Art Competition

Primary 5 are very excited to take part in the Tesco Bank Art Competition. The theme for Primary 4- 7 is “Makers of Magic”. We had great fun discussing our favourite magical powers. Mrs Ali would like to freeze time and make objects move with her eyes!

Imogen – I would like to have a magic wand.

Samyan – I would like to be a character in a book.

Muriam – I want to move things with my eyes.

Waniya – I want to read people’s minds.

Aaron – I want to make things disappear.

Adam – I want to be able to fly.

Aiman – I want to have the power of invisibility.

Rafay – I want to have the power of teleportation.

What would you choose as your magical power?

Image result for maGIC

Primary 5 Homework W/B:19.2.18

Spelling – Multi-sensory activity

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday.

Maths – Sumdog or Hit the Button

Swimming – P5 will be swimming every Thursday. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.

ExPLORE Project – Please ensure you are working on your project each night. You will have access to the ICT room on Thursday if you need to print, research or work on a power point.

Viking Art

Over the past few weeks, Primary 5 have had the pleasure of working with Mrs Doran during art. We have designed Viking helmets and created them out of papier mache. The finished artwork was fabulous!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope you have had a restful break!

There will be no swimming lesson this week. Lessons will continue next Thursday for two more sessions.

First Minister’s Reading Challenge Please continue to keep your Reading Passports up to date. We will be visiting Giffnock Library on Tuesday 27th February.

ExPLORE Project- Pupils have been given details of a research project to be carried out over the next couple of weeks. This will be the main homework task for this period.

Primary 5 Homework W/B:5.2.18


Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday.

Maths – Education City

Swimming – P5 will be swimming every Thursday. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.

Friday is a holiday!

Anti-Smoking Presentation

Three student nurses visited Primary 5 today to talk about the dangers of smoking. We have been learning about this in our Health and Wellbeing studies. We were given lots of important facts about the dangers of smoking.

Adam – There is rat poison in cigarettes.

Zia – There is nail polish in cigarettes.

Muriam – Smoking can also affect pets.

Rafay – Tar can be found in cigarettes.

Imogen – I learned about all the things in cigarettes.

Image result for anti smoking picture

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