P2 Memories


Now that we are nearing the end of the year, we have been sharing our favourite memories of Primary 2…………………………………

Heather “When we went on the trip to the Wind Farm.”

Aiman “I liked when we did maths with Mrs Muhammed”

Rebekah “I liked the first day because I wanted you to be our teacher.”

Toby ” When we first went into P2.”

Emilie “When the Burn’s House went to M&D’s.”

Ewan ” I loved when we walked the Braidbar loop.”

Zaina ” I enjoyed making my treasure map.”

Samyan “I liked making the mosaic of the Isle of Struay.”

Isla ” My favourite part of P2 was when Burn’s went to the Tutorial room to watch a DVD and have a snack.”

Matilda “My favourite memory was when me and Imogen accidentally said the same words at the same time.”

Zia “I love Sports Day because I liked the relay race.”

Katie “I loved when we did lots of gymnastics with Mr Gordon.”

Eden “My favourite memory was when we were the narrators in the Nativity.”

Imogen “My favourite memory was when we found out about the Fairy Door.”

Matthew “My favourite part was when we practised for Sports Day.”

Rebecca ” I loved when you did a very funny April’s Fools on us.”

Adam “I liked when I went to Sports Day and did the running race.”

Alexa “I liked when we did the Circus Afternoon.”

Waniya “My favourite memory was when we made posters of our favourite friend.”

Alexander ” I liked Sports Day when I ran the running race and I came first and I couldn’t believe it.”

Zara “I liked when we made our SHANARRI posters.”

Ryan “I liked when we went to M&D’s and I went on the bumper cars.”

Muriam “I enjoyed learning about tens and units.”

Atiya “I liked making up stories with the special cards.”

William “When we went on the trip to the Wind Farm.”

Mrs Brown ” I could not possibly choose 1 favourite memory as I have had the most fantastic two years and I will never forget them!”

Post Office




On Tuesday we went to the Post Office on Fenwick road.

We wrote letters to a Primary School on the Isle of Coll because we wanted to find out information about life on an Island. After we wrote the letters, we addressed the envelopes and set off to the Post Office. We bought first class stamps as we wanted the letter to arrive quicker and then we put them in the post box. We are all crossing our fingers that the children on the Isle of Coll write back to us soon!

We all enjoyed the walking trip, for different reasons………………………………………………………………………….

Waniya “I liked when we posted the letters.”

William ” We were given a chocolate bar from Anita which was a big surprise!”

Imogen “I liked the trip because we got nice, fresh air.”

Samyan “I liked going to a new Post Office that I’d never been to before.”

Rebekah “I liked when we got to see Postman John collect the mail.”





People From The Past

We have been learning all about Neil Armstrong. Did you know that he was the first man to walk on the Moon?  In Art, we made pictures of the Solar System using different coloured paint. We put our paintings up on our ‘Art Gallery’ to show them off.

We are now learning about Pocahontas and why she is famous.

Thank you!

Thank you for coming to our Circus Afternoon. We hope that you enjoyed it as we had lots of fun! You helped us to raise £87 and we are going to buy lots of new things for the classroom.

The Circus

In P2 we are learning about the Circus. We made juggling balls and we wrote the colours in French. In our circus corner we dress up, perform tricks and ‘eat snacks’ that we made out of scrunched up paper. 

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