Writing lesson from Friday – Star Writer Matilda!

What can lie beyond a door…

I approached the door slowly, unsure as to whether I was really going to open it. It just hung there mockingly as though daring me to run away and as much as I wanted to, I continued to walk towards it. Its charred paint was peeling, exposing the blackened wood behind it. The handle gleamed from the light of the open cellar door, a silver twisted snake. It seemed unfittingly luxurious compared with the worn door. 

I could turn back now, I could run away and pretend that I never came within close proximity of this door but my own curiosity kept me going, I would finally know. I was so close I could smell the faint whiff of rot that no doubt was coming from the door, all I had to do was reach out my hand and grab hold of the handle, so why wouldn’t my hand move? I was scared but I had to know so in one quick jerk I reached out and twisted the handle.

A dark swirling mist met my eyes, the air was thick with condensation I could hardly breathe and everything had turned horribly cold. A shiver was sent down my spine. Something wasn’t quite right about this place. I took a step into the mist and the door slammed shut behind me. I had to keep looking, I had to keep going.

I seemed to be walking on thin air, all I could see with that dark mist and I felt nothing beneath my feet, what on earth was this place?

I walked and walked and walked, I couldn’t see, I had no idea how long I had been walking for, all the sense had been knocked out of me. Just keep walking I thought to myself, you will find something. But then I took another step and instead of the usual sensation that I was walking on air I fell.

And I am still falling to this day stuck in a lapse of time for all eternity.

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