This week, as always, we have been learning lots of things.
In Science we are continuing to learn about mini beasts.
‘We are learning to sort insects into different types of mini beasts.’ Toby
‘Today we were focusing on beetles, I learned that there are different types of beetles, like the Dor Beetle.’ Katie
‘I brought in my magazines about mini beasts and samples of real mini beasts.’ Adam
In PE we were creating gymnastics routines.
‘ I enjoyed performing my cartwheels and shoulder stands.’ Emilie
‘I enjoyed using the trampette.’ Rebecca
‘ We learned how to make a human pyramid and Ryan was at the top.’ Matthew
‘I enjoyed using the basketball hoop.’ Aiman
In ICT we were using Education City to enhance our French vocabulary.
‘ I liked making the pictures using colours in French.’ Imogen.
‘It was fun listening to the French number and then choosing the correct number in English.’ Alex