Another Great Week – 16th January 2017

img_7928img_7924img_7923img_7934Another exiting and fun week this week!

We used the iPads to carry out a survey about PE and physical exercise. We also learned about Yammer. We are going to use it to share our successes as a class and carry out surveys. We will focus on how to use it properly this term.

‘We learned that when we are online we should never talk to people we don’t know. If we are on Yammer we must only use it for our class chat.’ Imogen

‘We learned that when we are using Yammer it has to be for school things.’ Samyan

‘We learned that we should never say bad or unkind things to anyone online.’ Heather


This week we also tried out the ‘Daily Mile’ route. We tried it on Friday and were puffed out but feeling good. We are going to start running the mile every Thursday. Please bring PE kits on a Thursday from now on.

‘I think it is a good way to keep fit.’ Muriam

‘It was very good fun but I was tired out after it.’ Katie


We also learned about Roman Numerals this week.

‘I learned that in Roman Numerals you can only use one of the letters up to 3 times, e.g. VIII = 8      X = 10’  Waniya

We also took part in an Authors’ Live event through Glow and got to watch Chris Riddell answering lots of questions about himself and his job.

‘I really enjoyed the Authors Live meet with Chris Riddell. I liked that he was able to draw people without even looking at them closely.’ Isla

‘I liked that he drew the answers to the questions.’ Alexa

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