Homework w/b 17th September


Read the relevant pages of text as detailed in your homework diary.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Complete the nightly mental maths activity.


Nightly spelling activity to be completed, see your word list for further instructions. 

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Thursday.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!

Homework w/b 10th September

Cover your homework jotters.


Read the relevant pages of text as detailed in your homework diary.

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week is Maths Week Scotland.  Pupils will enjoy a wide range of exciting mathematical activities including participating in outdoor learning, STEM challenges and a parental workshop!

For homework please choose one activity from the active maths challenge grid and complete.  Record your findings in your Numeracy and Maths homework jotter.


Nightly spelling activity to be completed, see your word list for further instructions. 

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Woodfarm Cluster Design Challenge

A reminder that pupils will be travelling by coach to Woodfarm High School on Thursday (13th September) departing Braidbar at 8.40am prompt.  Pupils are reminded to bring a packed lunch with them.

Homework w/b 3rd September

Cover your homework jotter.


Read the relevant pages of text as detailed in your homework diary.


Complete the nightly mental maths activity.


Nightly spelling activity to be completed, see your word list for further instructions. 

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Open Afternoon

It would be lovely to welcome parents and carers into our classroom on Thursday (6th September) between 2pm and 3pm!

Homework w/b 27th August 2018

Primary 7b have started the year enthusiastically by welcoming a new pupil to the class and a new teacher! Each child has already taken on the role of Buddy to a P1 and School Monitor.  The children are looking forward to the many exciting experiences and challenges that are ahead of them this year.

Please find information about this week’s homework below. I will use the class blog to post the weekly homework tasks as well as reminders about calendar dates.

I look forward to meeting you all in due course.

Homework w/b 27th August

Cover your homework jotter.


Read the relevant pages of text as detailed in your homework diary.


Complete the daily activity on your Mental Maths Grid.


Nightly spelling activity to be completed, see your word list for further instructions. 

Homework to be completed and handed in on Friday.

Lockerbie Manor

A reminder that there is an information evening about the residential trip on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm in Giffnock Primary School.

Safety in the Park

Primary 7a and 7b will attend this event on Tuesday afternoon.  All pupils should bring a packed lunch to school please.

Writing Outdoors

In writing, we have been focusing on our descriptions to allow our readers to visualise exactly what are. This week we used the Secret Garden to describe a setting.  We got to write as we explored the garden and linked this to our senses.


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