Giffnock Tennis Club Sports Event

Primary 5 enjoyed a fabulous afternoon at Giffnock Tennis Club. They participated in tennis, football, rugby, athletics, karate, judo, squash and netball team games along with other East Renfrewshire schools. Everyone took part in a quiz and some pupils received full marks. Well done!

Cherry Blossom

Primary 5 worked creatively to produce some beautiful Cherry Blossom tree art. They worked individually, in pairs and trios to create their art work. They focused on line and shape. Here is some of their wonderful work!

Primary 5 Homework W/B 15.4.19

Reading – read relevant pages of group reader and prepare a question using higher order skills.

Spelling – Choose four written active spelling tasks to complete for next Friday.

Mental Maths Sheet – please complete both sides for next Friday.

Active Schools/ Giffnock Sports HUB DAY

Tuesday 23rd April 2019 @ Giffnock Tennis club

Please come dressed in sports clothes with appropriate footwear. Do not wear football colours. Bring a packed lunch, snack and water bottle.

Art Competition – The Law Society of Scotland is offering a prize of £750 to a Scottish school as part of their platinum year celebrations. They are looking for a budding artist to create the front cover of the July edition of the journal.

This is due in on Thursday 18th April.

The theme is ‘What the law in Scotland means to you’. Designs should be suitable for a print magazine and could be a photo, graphic, digital art, drawing, painting, printmaking or anything else suitable.

The Law Society of Scotland’s Journal magazine is posted to 13,000 legal professionals every month. More details can be found on the website. It is called the Journal Front Cover Competition.

Maths Relay

Primary 5 took their learning outdoors this morning. They had a fantastic time incorporating Maths and P.E. together. The class chose teams and worked collaboratively to race to the finish of the maths relay.

It was a wonderful start to the day!

Laura – It was really fun because it was a change from maths indoors.

Rabiya – Its was really different with PE and maths mixed together.

Rhiannon – I liked working in my team to solve the problems.

Harris – I liked it because there was PE as well as maths.

Liam – I liked working in teams.

Robbie – I liked it because it was different to normal maths.

Salihah – I really liked solving the maths problems. It was challenging!

Authors Live Event!

Primary 5 were very excited to tune in to watch Lauren Child, creator of Charlie and Lola, in the BBC live event.

Lauren is the current Waterstones Children’s Laureate, and will be answering questions about what her role entails. She’ll also be talking about how she creates her characters, including the much-loved Charlie and Lola.

We learned about how Lauren gets ideas for her books and how she creates her characters and storylines. Also, Lauren also talked about the importance of illustrations in her books. She explained her love of drawing pictures from a young age.

We are inspired to create our own stories and illustrations!

Cookie Time!

Primary 5 have had a very busy day today. They have enjoyed making chocolate chip cookies in class with Miss Itcovitz. This was her last writing session with us because she leaves on Friday. Miss Itcovitz thought it would be a nice treat to do a little bit of baking along with some instructional writing.  The pupils measured, mixed, stirred and worked collaboratively with their groups to produce delicious chocolate chip cookies. I think they might like to repeat this at home during the holidays. Enjoy!

Best of luck, Miss Itcovitz. We will miss you!



Primary 5 W/B 25.3.19

There will be no new spelling lists issued  this week.

Spelling patterns completed over the past month or so could be revised.

Please go onto Sumdog or Top Marks to revise mental maths skills.

Please remember to keep your Reading Passport up to date.

Art Competition – The Law Society of Scotland is offering a prize of £750 to a Scottish school as part of their platinum year celebrations. They are looking for a budding artist to create the front cover of the July edition of the journal.

The theme is ‘What the law in Scotland means to you’. Designs should be suitable for a print magazine and could be a photo, graphic, digital art, drawing, painting, printmaking or anything else suitable.

The Law Society of Scotland’s Journal magazine is posted to 13,000 legal professionals every month. More details can be found on the website. It is called the Journal Front Cover Competition.

School closes at 2.30pm on Friday 29th March. Wishing everyone a restful  and enjoyable Spring Break.

Image result for spring break images

Primary Homework W/B 18.3.19

Reading – read relevant pages of group reader and prepare a question using higher order skills.

Spelling – Choose two written active spelling tasks to complete for Friday.

Mental Maths Sheet

Other Information

Parent Consultations

I look forward to meeting with the parents on Wednesday and Thursday to discuss your child’s progress!



Primary 5 took delivery of a beautiful, new interactive board earlier this week. We are enjoying using it!

Today, we used the Chrome Books to create Sways about the Vikings. Using our research notes, we created a Sway ( similar to a PowerPoint). We used our previous knowledge about PowerPoints and transferred some of these skills to creating Sways.

This was our first experience of using Sway and we hope to use it more often in class. You can also access this at home.

Suha – I enjoyed using a Sway because you can add media.

Hassan – You can see everything on the same screen. You don’t need to open up different slides.

Harris – I like dragging the pictures into the background. I like it better than PowerPoint.

Charlie – I like how easy it is to put it all together.

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