It’s Monday !

I hope everybody had a good weekend and that you are all safe and well. Let’s kick off our second week of home learning with a bang!

I have uploaded tasks on to Google Classroom. Some tasks are daily and some tasks are for you to complete whenever you want throughout the week.

I appreciate that this is a very uncertain and busy time for you all so please only do what is right for you and your family. Do not be worrying if you don’t complete everything in a day. I have put up lots of options so there is an amount that suits everybody’s needs and desires.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch and keep the photos and videos coming my way. I am loving seeing what you are all getting up to.

Sending you all hugs and positive vibes.

Miss Howie xx


Week 1 Gallery

It’s Friday and in celebration of your first week of home learning,  I have compiled just a few of the pictures I have been sent of primary 6 learning while at home. I am blown away by the efforts, creativity and resilience you have all shown this week and I am so incredibly proud of each and every one of you! I miss you all like crazy but seeing all your pictures and videos have put a real smile on my face. Stay safe, stay strong and stay your amazing selves. #TEAMP6!!!

Team p6 working hard doing all manner of assignments! Keep up the hard work!

Aleena and Hayah made great posters to remind you all about healthy eating!

You have been learning all about shading in class and some of you have been practising your shading technique at home.  I must say they look fantastic!


Euan                                                      Noor


Raine and her sister River climbed to the top of Dumyat before the lockdown started. Well done girls!

And speaking of physical activity, lots of you have been doing the Joe Wicks videos! Check out Kyle doing it with his little brother Rhys, Nathan getting low in a squat and Harris doing it with his dad and little brother Struan. Keep sweating boys!!!


Ramsha, Robbie and Aleena have been experimenting and have created some amazing lava lamps!

And Suha and Aleena have used chemical elements from the periodic table to create potions.  Now, if someone could invent a potion for unlimited pizza I would be very happy!

You have all been busy thinking about what you want to be when you are older. Robbie seems to already have part of his SWAT team uniform sorted. Very impressive!

Maryam has created a PowerPoint to help you combat any boredom! I’m sure the parents will be grateful for this.

And talking about being grateful, you have been learning about gratitude and have listed things you have gratitude for.

Since you are all at home, you have been learning lots of life skills, like how to put on a washing and set a table. Great job Suha and Kyle!

And lots of you have been baking and cooking. I wish I could try this food. It all looks delicious!




I know this has been a very different week for you but just look at what you have all achieved! Team p6 have had a productive week and you have all accomplished so much. Each and every one of you should be very proud. Keep the pictures coming my way, keep your chins up and show the world that p6 are a force to be reckoned with! I love you all. Now ROLL ON WEEK 2!!!!

Miss Howie xx 🙂




Happy Thursday everybody. I hope you are all well and safe. As always, your tasks are up on Google Classroom. I am giving you all a must do task today. Everybody is to update their online profile. Tell me what you have been doing and what you have learnt this week. Upload photos and videos. It is making me so happy seeing what you have been doing at home!

Remember, what do we link all our online profile posts too? (I should be able to hear you shouting it …) OUR CREATIVITY SKILLS!

  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Open mindedness
  • Curiosity

I will be looking at everyone’s online profiles and leaving comments at 6 o’clock tonight, so make sure you have done it by then. Once you have updated it, leave me a comment saying done!

I am also going to be putting up a special blog post tomorrow. It is going to include lots of pictures of you all doing home learning this week. If you want your picture on the blog, make sure it is on your online profile or you have emailed it to me by 6 o’clock today. My email is

As usual, any questions just ask.

I can’t wait to see all your photos.

Miss Howie xx

LIVE Lesson from WW2 Secret Bunker

At 1 o’clock today Western Approaches HQ in Liverpool will be putting on an hour long lesson for primary school children about life in a secret World War 2 bunker. Its sounds like an amazing opportunity to learn something new and I know a lot of you are really interested in WW2. If you watch it leave me a comment on our Google Classroom stream with your thoughts on the video and 3 new things you learnt. They are streaming from their Facebook page which I have linked below along with the events page. Happy learning!  (Main Page) (Events Page)


Good morning everybody! I hope you are all safe and well. Please check the Google Classroom for today’s activities.

A little reminder about the stream area on Google Classroom. You can use the stream area on the P6 Google Classroom group to chat to me and each other. Post photos, let us all know what you are doing and share your achievements! I am sure it would brighten up all of our days. I will post on the stream everyday with a question of the day. Feel free to comment below and have a discussion with each other, so long as it is in a kind and respectful way.

As always I am hear if you need any questions answered or just fancy a wee chat.

Miss Howie xx

Day 2 … We’ve got this!

Good morning Primary 6! I was BLOWN AWAY by how well you all did yesterday. Great job. You should all be very proud of yourselves. For today, I have put up 8 new activities along with Mr Gordon and Mrs McLuckie for you to choose between. Pick 4 but of course you can do more if you want to.

I am about to go and do the live Joe Wicks video and I know some of the other teachers are too. I’m sure you will all be better at it than us though! Let me know how you get on and keep uploading your pictures on to your online profiles. I am loving looking at them.

I’ll be online throughout the day again to help you and for if you just want a chat.

Stay safe, stay strong, stay positive.

Miss Howie xx

Positive Vibes!!!

HAPPY MONDAY EVERYBODY! I hope you are all well and safe and have had a fun weekend. I can’t wait to hear all about what you have been doing. I know this is a very different Monday for us than normal and I am missing seeing all of you and hearing in person about your weekends. I know some of you must be very excited for the adventure that lies ahead, others might be a little unsure or sad or maybe you are a mixture of all 3. That is ok! The thing to remember is to stay positive. I know how resilient you all are and that any problem thrown your way you can handle. I have absolute faith that P6 are going to do amazingly well over the coming weeks!

Even though you won’t be in school please remember I am still here for you. I still want to hear all about your days and about your accomplishments and achievements. Post me a picture or leave me a comment. I’ll be checking your online profiles so you can keep me updated on what you have been up to from there.

While I know some of you have plans to hunker down with your Xbox or sit watching movies all day I have created some other activities to keep you busy and make sure you are still learning. I have put up a list of 8 activities on the Primary 6 Google Classroom. If you click on classwork from the menu across the top of the screen you will be able to see them all there. Pick 4 of today’s activities that you want to do. Of course you can do them all if you like!  Any questions please just ask!

I’ll be online throughout the day to respond to any questions and reply to any comments. I’ll also make a new blog post tomorrow along with new activities by 9 o’clock so you can get your countdowns started. I’ll do this every day except weekends.

I miss you all already and I can’t wait to hear and see what you have been getting up to. Let’s have a FANTASTIC day today!

Miss Howie 🙂 xx



  • Hufflepuff: Read to the end of 101 Things to do in the UK
  • Ravenclaw: Read to the end of Dead Loses
  • Gryffindor: Read pages 1-8 of Time to Time Travel


Using the last 2 weeks spelling words write a story. Underline the spelling words in the story.


Homework for STEM week is to take part in this STEM selfie challenge.  The idea for this challenge was created by the STEM committee and it is to encourage children to engage in STEM activities outside of school.

Children should take a selfie doing something related to Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths, print the picture and write their NAME, HOUSE and CLASS on the back of the picture.

They should bring this into school where we will create a display board of all the selfies.  The STEM committee will judge and select an overall first, second and third place winners.  They will receive point for their house.  Family pictures are more than welcome but please ensure each child has a copy of their picture to submit.  Please bring pictures to school by Thursday 19th March.

Homework Due 13th March


Daily 10 every night


  • Gryffindor: read to the end of Mummies
  • Ravenclaw: Dead Loses pgs 1-9
  • Slytherin: Harry Potter chapter 11
  • Hufflepuff: 101 Things to do in the UK pgs 1-15/ Space pgs 1-15


Nouns o for oa

  • open
  • oval
  • only
  • poem
  • total
  • clover
  • mosaic
  • cocoa
  • mobile
  • Roman
  • pronoun
  • moment

Verbs words that end in less

  • useless
  • helpless
  • endless
  • painless
  • aimless
  • flawless
  • worthless
  • fearless
  • timeless
  • harmless


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