P4 Homework w/b 23.04.18

Primary 4 are very excited to be involved in this year’s school show ‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’. The children have been busy learning fours songs which they will be singing during each performance.  The children should learn their lyrics as part of this weeks homework.

Maths – Complete the tasks on your MyCity page on Education city.

Reading – See diary for chapters to be read this week.

Art Task – Cinderella and Rockerfella Backdrop

As with previous shows, we are looking to create the backdrops for the show with an illustration from each class. Please ensure that these are on A4 paper and are landscape.

P4 – Create a Village Street

There will be a class prize for the best backdrop design. All backdrops should be handed in by Friday 4th May.  Good luck!

PE – PE will be on a Monday this term and the children will also complete the Daily Mile on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Appropriate footwear should be worn on these days.

P4 Homework w/b 16th April

It was a pleasure to welcome back the boys and girls after Easter break and we look forward to learning many new and exciting things together during this term!


See jotter for weekly spelling words and nightly activity.


Mon – Thur – Sumdog/Education City (10 minutes each night)


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.


How far did your book travel?

Well done and thank you to those of you who have already brought in a picture of yourself reading a book during the holidays!  If you took a picture and have not yet brought it in or emailed it please do so this week.


This term Primary 4 will have a PE session with Mr Gordon on a Monday afternoon.

We will be joining up with Primary 5 to run the daily mile on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Children should have appropriate footwear in school on these days.

Week Beginning 26th March

There will be no written homework this week.


The children should continue to read their library book as part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge.  They should ensure their reading passport is completed and up to date.

How far can your book travel?                                   

As part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge, The Library Committee are hoping to find out how far your book can travel. Over the holidays, please take a book with you on an outing and bring in a photo of you reading it, with a note of how many miles it travelled from your home.

e.g. take your book to Spain and snap a picture of you reading at the pool or take your book to the zoo……….


Well done to Primary 4 who finished in 19th position in the East Renfrewshire Sumdog competition last week.  Sumdog and Education City should be accessed this week to revise numeracy skills.


Please ensure children have a full PE kit in school this week. The children will be participating in the Daily Mile on Wednesday and should have appropriate footwear to do so.


The children finalised their entries for the Tesco Bank annual art competition last week.  The theme was Magic and they used a variety of materials to complete their designs.  The entries will now be sent off to be judged.  Good Luck to Primary 4 who did a great job!

Easter Break

The school will close at 2.30pm on Thursday this week and will reopen on Monday 16th April.  Happy holidays!



P4 Homework w/b 19th March


See jotter for weekly spelling words and nightly activity.


Mon – Thur – Sumdog Competition Week (10 minutes each night)


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

Parents’ Evenings

I look forward to meeting with you on Wednesday or Thursday this week.

Thank You!

A huge big thank you to all of the family and friends who made it along to watch Primary 4 deliver their Learning Assembly this morning.  A special thank you for your assistance with preparing the children for today and for the wonderful Roman Homework submissions which helped enhance our assembly!

The children did a FANTASTIC job today and enjoyed listening to some positive feedback from the rest of the school when they returned to class.

P4 Homework w/b 12th March


See jotter for spelling words and nightly activity.


A task on homophones is available to complete in your My City page.


Complete allocated activities on Education City.

Please let me know of any access problems and I will issue the tasks in worksheet form.


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

Learning Assembly

Primary 4 are looking forward to present their assembly on Wednesday morning. We hope you can come along and enjoy it!


P4 Homework w/b 5th March


See jotter for spelling words and nightly activity.


Mon-Thur – Sumdog (10 minutes online each night)


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

Learning Assembly

Primary 4 are looking forward to present their assembly on Wednesday 14th March.  This week the children should learn and rehearse their script and the class song. We will be working hard preparing it in school and look forward to sharing it with those of you that can make it next week!


P4 Homework w/b 26th February


See jotter for spelling words and nightly activity.


Education City –log in to access your group tasks (Please advise me of any access problems)


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

Continue to read a book of your choice as part of the First Ministers Reading Challenge.  Please bring your reading passport to school on Friday this week.

We look forward to celebrating World Book Day in class on Friday.  See below for some more information.

World Book Day 2018 

With World Book Day fast approaching, we wanted to let you know about how we plan to celebrate it this year!

Amongst the whole school activities that we will be doing on Friday 2ndMarch, the Parent Council have also organised a very exciting event………………………

Braidbar Parent Council are planning a Book Swap to celebrate World Book Day.  We ask that on Thursday 1st March pupils bring in a book they are happy to swap.  On Friday 2nd March they will have an opportunity to choose a new book to take home.  Please note that children may donate more than one book but each pupil will only be allowed to take one book home.  Left over books will be offered to the school for the library or classrooms (any extra will be donated to local charity shops).

We look forward to celebrating books and reading with you!


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