P4 Homework 30.05.18

It was nice to welcome back all the children today along with many new freckles that were acquired over the long sunny weekend!  I hope everyone enjoyed the break.

I have asked the children to do a small bit of reading for Friday and to create some questions related to their text.  Further details are written in each child’s diary.

School Show

We will be participating in a full  dress rehearsal of the school show tomorrow. There are still a few children without costumes.  Please send these in for tomorrows dress rehearsal or advise me of any problems.


P4 Homework w/b 21.05.18


A reminder that Friday is a holiday therfore homework and diaries will be collected on Thursday 24th May.


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

We will be visiting Giffnock library tomorrow as part of the First Ministers Reading Challenge.  Children must ensure they have their book and reading passport at school with them.


Mon – Thur – Free choice – Sumdog/Education City (10 minutes each night)


We are about to embark on our final science topic of the year.  We are looking forward to learning about classifying living and non living things.  Each child has a KWL grid and should complete part 1 and 2 ( What I know and what I want to learn) for Thursday.

Cinderella and Rockerfella

A reminder that costumes are due in by Thursday this week.  Please see my previous post for further information.

Pizza, Pakora and Poetry!

The children were issued with information about the above event which will take place on Thursday 21st June at 2pm.  If you did not get this information please let me know.  Remember to complete and return the slip confirming if you can attend.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!


P4 Homework w/b 14.5.18


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

P4 will be visiting Giffnock Library next Tuesday 22nd May as part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge.  The children are required to take their reading passport with them, they should bring this into school this week in preparation.


10 minutes each night on Education City, Sumdog or Hit the Button.


Complete words and active spelling tasks as detailed in your spelling jotter. 

Health and Wellbeing

The children have been learning how their actions can change the way someone is feeling and how they can have a positive impact.  They have been set a challenge to display an act of kindness towards someone else within their class Friendship Circle.  They are encouraged to discuss this at home and share what they did and why.  Perhaps they can perform additional acts of kindness for their family!

Cinderella & Rockerfella

Rehearsals continue and showtime creeps closer.  Please see the previous post for information on show costumes.

Cinderella & Rockerfella

Primary 4 will perform in the school show on the evening of Wednesday 6th June and the afternoon and evening of Thursday 7th June.  We anticipate that all pupils will be attending both evening shows in order to make the show a success. Please notify me of any issues.


Primary 4 will require the following items for the show;

Denim jeans/ leggings/ trousers

Brightly coloured tops

Comfortable shoes

Party accessory e.g. sparkly waistcoat, jacket, hairband, bow, hat or jewellery.

Please bring your costume, in a named plastic bag, into school by Thursday 24th May.  Costumes will stay in school until the evening of Thursday 7th June.

Thank you for your support!

P4 Homework w/b 7.5.18

I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine over the long weekend! The following homework should be completed by Friday this week.

Cinderella & Rockerfella

Primary 4 continue to prepare for their performance in Cinderella and Rockerfella next month.  They should be rehearsing the songs and moves at home each night.

Thank you to the boys and girls for the wonderful response to our backdrop competition.  The standard was very high! A winner will be announced shortly.


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

Complete a book review for Friday  (This is optional for the children in the Nessy spelling group who have additional work assigned by Mrs Young to complete.)


Improve your mental recall of multiplication table facts by playing Hit the Button.  Practise all the tables you have been taught.


Sound Experiments!

Primary 4 had great fun this week investigating sound vibrations and how sound travels.  Here are some pictures of them carrying out some experiments and checking their predictions.

P4 Homework w/b 30.04.18


See jotter for weekly spelling words.  Each child should write out the spelling words as indicated in the jotter and complete two Active Spelling activities of their choice.


Mon – Thur – Free choice – Sumdog/Education City (10 minutes each night)

I have extended the dates on last weeks assigned homework tasks on Education City as several children did not complete these.  Please complete these this week or advise me of any access problems or reasons why this work can not be complete.  All the activities allocated are tablet friendly.


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.


Please be reminded that each child should submit a picture entry of a village street scene by Friday.  Please see last weeks homework post for further information.


Modern Languages in P4!

This term the children are enjoying a weekly Spanish lesson with Spanish teaching assistant Carlotta.  The children have been listening carefully to Carlotta’s authentic accent and they have already learned a variety of  words and phrases including colours, numbers and the days of the week.  Bueno!

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