Open Afternoon

It was lovely to welcome parents into the classroom on Thursday afternoon. The pupils enjoyed creating their own graffiti art in the style of the very famous Banksy! Thank you to all the parents for joining in.

Here are some of the finished masterpieces…

Primary 5 Homework W/B 3.9.18

Spelling –  Instructions can be found inside the Homework Diary for 27/8/18. Homework should be signed by a parent/carer.

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. Please write them down in your homework diary.

Maths –   Hit the button

Daily 10 on Top Marks website is another brilliant resource for mental maths.

Please spend a minimum of 10 minutes on this daily.

Primary 5 Homework W/B 27.8.18

Spelling – Pupils have been issued with spelling lists and given clear instructions on expectations. Instructions can be found inside the Homework Diary for 27/8/18. Homework should be signed by a parent/carer.

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book for next Monday. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. Please write them down in your homework diary.

Maths –   Hit the button

Please spend a minimum of 10 minutes on this daily.

Writing – Research

Please do a little bit of research using the autobiography help sheet. This will prepare you for the writing task on Wednesday.

Important Details

Please return Family Update and Flu Vaccination letters as soon as possible. Thank you for your support!

Welcome to Primary 5!

Image result for welcome to class images

We have had a very busy start to the new term and everyone has settled in amazingly well into P5.

Important Details

P.E. days are Mondays and Fridays. Please come prepared with your kit. Earrings should not be worn for health and safety reasons.

Homework will be issued on a Monday. Spelling and Maths homework will be due in on a Friday. Reading homework should be completed for the following Monday.

Invertebrate Hunting!

Primary 4 have been learning how to classify animals as part of the Science curriculum this term.  This week we have been studying invertebrates and how scientists group these using their characteristics.  Today we spent time in the Secret Garden hunting for invertebrates and grouping these appropriately.  We were not disappointed, we found a huge variety of different species and we had great fun in the process!

P4 Homework w/b 11.06.18

A big thank you to everyone who came to see the School Show last week and to cheer on the children at Sports Day on Friday.  It was a very busy week but a great time was had by all!

Homework is due for Friday but may be handed in on Thursday by pupils who will be celebrating Eid.

Spelling – See jotter for words and instruction.

Reading – As detailed in the diary.

Numeracy – This week is Financial Numeracy week and we will be learning about money in the world.  The children will be investigating the links between jobs and money.

For homework I have asked each child to discuss with a parent/guardian the following points;

  • What jobs that they would like to do when they are older?

Do you need a qualification for this job?  What is it?

How much is the salary in a job like this?

  • Some jobs pay more than others, why is this?
  • The choices they make about jobs and money will have an affect on their lives, why is this?


Primary 2 are selling animal rubbers this week as part of Financial Numeracy week.  Each rubber costs 60p and all proceeds raised will be donated to the SPCA.  Any pupil wishing to buy a rubber can do so this week.

Congratulations to all pupils in Stevenson House who will be going on an outing this week as a treat for being the winning  house this year.  If your child is attending please ensure they have a waterproof jacket and sensible footwear that day.

Cinderella and Rockerfella

Show week has finally arrived and the boys and girls are very excited to perform for their family and friends!  We anticipate all children will attend both evening performances on Wednesday and Thursday unless you have contacted me to advise otherwise.  P4 and 5 will meet in the Family room and pupils should arrive between 6.15pm  and 6.30pm, allowing adequate time to get changed for show time at 7pm.

Pupils should bring a full water bottle and may bring a small snack to consume during the interval.  It is requested that the children do not bring any electronic devices.  Activities will be on offer to keep the children occupied when they are not on stage performing.

Children will return to the family room at the end of the performance and will be dismissed via the main door at 9pm.  All children must be collected by an adult.

We look forward to seeing many of you and hope you enjoy the show.  Thank you for your support!

P4 Homework 04.06.18


Complete the spelling task in the homework jotter over Monday and Tuesday nights.


No set reading homework due to school show commitments.  Children can continue to read their book from Giffnock library if they wish to do some reading.


East Renfrewshire Sumdog Competition

A short but busy week!

We have had a busy week in Primary 4.  On Wednesday the children enjoyed a visit from Dawn from the Scottish SPCA.  Dawn delivered a fun learning session called Animal 999.  We participated really well in all the associated activities and even won the quiz at the end, we loved the prizes she gave us!

On Thursday we had our last rehearsal for the school show before our official dress rehearsal next week in front of the rest of the school and staff.  We are very excited and thank everyone for organising and sending in our costumes.

Today we had our final run through of our novelty race for next weeks sports day.  We look forward to showing off our egg and spoon skills at next weeks event!


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