Primary 5 Homework W/B 29.10.18

Spelling –  Blue and Yellow groups will be issued with new spelling lists on Mondays and completed homework should be submitted on Fridays. The Nessy group will now work with Miss Innes. She will issue homework on a Monday and collect it back in the following Monday.

Maths – Speed Tables

Please revise multiplication tables daily in order to improve speed and accuracy.

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Swimming – Swimming has been cancelled due to circumstances outwith our control. Letter to follow.

Scottish Parliament – Primary 5 will be taking part in a workshop on Tuesday afternoon. Pupils will learn about the Scottish Parliament.

Rag Bag Collection

The Eco Committee have organised a Rag Bag Collection. Every child has been given a plastic bag. Please fill the bag with old, clean clothes and textiles. The bags should be returned to school by Wednesday 7th November. They will be uplifted that day. We would really appreciate your help and support in this initiative!

Thank you!

Primary 5 Homework W/B 22.10.18

Spelling –  Blue and Yellow groups will be issued with new spelling lists on Mondays and completed homework should be submitted on Fridays. The Nessy group will now work with Miss Innes. She will issue homework on a Tuesday and collect it back in the following Tuesday.

Maths – Sumdog

Please spend time on your question challenge daily..  Also, revise multiplication tables daily in order to improve speed and accuracy.

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Swimming – P5 will be starting their six week swimming block on Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. Don’t forget your towel! A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.

Library – P5 will be visiting Giffnock Library on Friday afternoon. We will be leaving at approximately 1.10pm. Please wear a waterproof jacket.



Transport and Environment

Air Travel

This morning, Primary 5 have been learning all about air travel. Miss Gallacher, student teacher, gave us lots of insider information. She worked for British Airways as Cabin Crew for many years. Miss Gallacher was based in London, Heathrow in Terminal 5.

Pupils were given the task of designing a new ‘First Class’ seat for British Airways and Miss Gallacher will send the designs off to her former colleagues. We are hoping to get some feedback!

Cooking and Writing

Instructional Writing

The class took part in a second week of cooking and writing. Pitta bread pizzas were on the menu this week and enjoyed by all! Below you can see the pupils chopping, slicing and preparing their pizzas. Pizza recipes were written out while the pizzas cooked in the oven. This was a great incentive!

Primary 5 Homework W/B 8.10.18

Spelling – As this is a four day week, please complete one written active spelling task for Thursday.

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. What? Where? When? Why? Who? How? words are great question starters! Please write them down in your homework diary.

Maths – Sumdog

Please complete the 100 question challenge. Your target is to complete 25 questions daily. Also, revise multiplication tables daily in order to improve speed and accuracy.

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Thursday.

Other Information

Please return swimming letters before the end of the week. P5 will be visiting Giffnock Library on Friday 26th October. Please contact the office or pop a note in the diary if you are able to accompany us there and back. We will be leaving at approximately 1.10pm.

Enjoy the holiday break!


Fruit Kebabs

Primary 5 had a very healthy start to the day. They made fruit kebabs in class as part of their instructional writing lesson. The class chopped, peeled, cut and assembled their very own fruit kebab. They certainly enjoyed eating them!


Primary 5 have been learning about the body. They can identify different parts of the body and face in French.

Here is some of the vocabulary they have been learning:

la bouche

la jambe

la main

le pied

le ventre

les yeux


Test them and see what they remember!

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