Entrepreneurs in Action

Primary 5 voted to make and sell Sweetie Cones as part of our Enterprise IDL. This afternoon, we have been busy working in our business groups to create our sales pitch. Later this week, we will be presenting our pitch to other classes around the school. We are hoping to convince them to buy our Sweetie Cones by using persuasive language.

The Teams

SugarZ Delight

Sweetie Stars

Sugar Rush

The Tribe

Super Sweets


Reading with Primary 2

Book Week

This afternoon, we were absolutely delighted to read to Primary 2.

Laura – The P2s were very enthusiastic and loved my activity ideas.

Liam – I loved reading to the P2 pupils because it was enjoyable.

Ben – My P2 buddy enjoyed me reading to him!

Ramsha – All the P2s were very good at listening and were very enthusiastic!

Hayah – I really enjoyed reading to my P2 buddy. It was great fun.

Book Week Buddies

Primary 5 are busy preparing for their visit to P2 this week. They have chosen a book to read to a pupil in P2 and are working on creating a fun follow up activity. Some people are working on funny accents and a little bit of drama. Others have chosen to create a quiz or picture to go alongside their chosen book. We are looking forward to our visit!



Primary 5 Homework W/B 19.11.18

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. What? Where? When? Why? Who? How? words are great question starters! Please write them down in your homework diary.


Maths – Sumdog Competition and Challenge

Please spend 10-15 minutes on this daily.

Genius Gems – revise time

Brain Boxes – revise measure

Whizz Kids – revise 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10 times tables

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Road Safety Week

It is Road Safety Week and the theme this year is Bike Smart.  Bike Smart aims to raise awareness about the importance of being safe while cycling, the dangers cyclists face on the roads, and what children want so they can cycle safely in their communities.

Book Week

Primary 5 are looking forward to reading to Primary 2. Please continue to update your Reading Passports with books you are reading.


Some pupils regularly forget to bring a full PE kit to school. Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has a t-shirt, shorts/tracksuit and trainers on these days.

Thank you!


Primary 5 have been carrying out some market research around the school before finalising their ideas for a product. We will be going into production very soon and hoping to sell our products for a profit. Watch this space!

Also, we have been researching famous entrepreneurs as part of our work on Enterprise. Using the chrome books, we were able to find out lots of interesting facts about them. The most popular entrepreneurs were Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson, Walt Disney, J.K. Rowling, Lord Sugar and Ingvar Kamprad. He was the founder of Ikea and amassed a fortune of 46 billion USD. On his death, he donated 23 billion USD to charities in Sweden! We thought this was rather amazing and very, very generous!

Health and Wellbeing

Inspired by the ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ session on Thursday, P5 were very keen to show off their modern dance moves. They flossed, dabbed and shimmied as part of their PE lesson. Also, they incorporated some of these dance moves into a group routine to share with the rest of the class. They were very impressive!


Primary 5 Homework W/B 12.11.18

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. What? Where? When? Why? Who? How? words are great question starters! Please write them down in your homework diary.


Maths – Mental Maths Sheet

Please revise multiplication tables daily in order to improve speed and accuracy.

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Monday 12th – Friday 16th November is officially Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils will be exploring this issue in more depth and reflecting upon the consequences of Bullying.

Pupils are being encouraged to wear odd socks on Wednesday 14th November. Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity for children to express themselves, celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

Pupils will take part in a “Strictly Come Dancing” workshop on Thursday 15th November.


This week in Primary 5…

Numeracy and Mathematics

Primary 5 took part in estimating and measuring objects around the school as part of Numeracy & Mathematics. They worked in pairs using metre sticks to measure the height and length of a variety of items.

Health and Wellbeing

As part of HWB, we have been discussing the importance of sleep and relaxation. We have been testing our memories every morning by playing the Memory Game. Remember to switch of electronics  minimum of  one hour before bed in order to enjoy a good night’s sleep. Take a bath, stretch, read a book or have a warm drink to help you drift off to sleep.

Image result for zzzzz images

Primary 5 Homework W/B 5.11.18

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. What? Where? When? Why? Who? How? words are great question starters! Please write them down in your homework diary.


Maths – Rigour Sheet

Please revise multiplication tables daily in order to improve speed and accuracy.

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Pupils will have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair on Wednesday afternoon. Parents will be able to view the books on Wednesday and Thursday during Parents’ Evening.

Please return your Rag Bag by Wednesday 7th November. Bags will be uplifted later that morning.

This week in Primary 5…

Scottish Parliament Visit

Mairead McKechnie from the Scottish Parliament visited Primary 5 on Tuesday afternoon. The pupils participated in a workshop and learned a huge amount about the Scottish Parliament and how it all works. Pupils got the opportunity to work in small groups to present their political party and views. There was a democratic vote and the Animal Rights Party won! Also, Primary 5 took part in a debate. The question was, “Should first aid be taught in schools?”. It was a very informative and interesting afternoon. Thank you Mairead!

Halloween Poetry

Pupils had a spooky themed Halloween in class on Wednesday. They used eerie and wicked voices to recite an extract from Macbeth. Also, they produced some fabulous poetry of their own titled, “Witch’s Brew”!

Image result for double double toil and trouble extract


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