Our learning this week – 7.10.15

What have we learned in class this week?

“I used pastels to draw and colour a still image” Suha

“I have learned that farmers use a machine to make beds for the strawberries to grow” Nathan

“In maths, I have been learning about pentagons and hexagons” Ramsha

“I have learned how to colour in using pastels” Ben

“I have learned that apples grow on trees” Jack

“I have learned that farmers can use a machine to help them milk the cows” Stella

“This week, I have improved in my writing” Sophie

“This week, I have improved in my maths work” Noor

“This week, I have improved in my reading” Harris

“This week, I have improved in my writing” Charlie

“I have enjoyed learning about the class topic and completing all of the activities in class this week” Euan

“I have enjoyed learning about our topic Food and Farming” Laura




Welcome to our Primary 2 blog

We would like to welcome you to join our journey through Primary 2. We have all settled in well and are enjoying learning lots of new things. We will keep you up to date with important things that happen during the year.

Today we found out that we won the line of the week award and we are very proud of ourselves. We are looking forward to getting our extra playtime next week.


Paddington Wheelbarrow

paddingtonWe have decorated a wheelbarrow by putting lots of different designs inside it. We made a plan by taking notes and researching the different plants. We decided where they would go. We had an area that was London and another area was a jungle that was for Peru.  When we were deciding where we were putting our creations we made a job list so that we all had a responsibility, we also had choice to pick a job to do. We used soil and made different creations using cardboard, string, paper, material and plastic. We watered the soil and we planted plants. Oliver put lots of vines on the jungle area and he used green and brown wool. Charlie made a suitcase for Paddington using an old video tape. He wrote a label on it saying ‘please look after this’. We made some boats, Paddingtons and flowers. We used material to make the River Thames. Ben made Big Ben! He used a plastic carton, some gold material, a cardboard box and a brown pen to design a clock face and the sides of Big Ben. Euan made flowers using old magazines and books and he stuck it together using sellotape. Noor made a Paddington using a playdo tub and some card from a tissue box. We’re so excited to have it displayed in Greenbank Gardens and for it to be judged.

We have a Post Office in our classroom – you can use a Postman Pat bag. We have letters and books where you can post stuff to different people by putting on a stamp and address.

We have all used cotton wool and water and laid out some cress seeds. We have been learning all about cress seeds and what they need to grow. Over the weekend they have grown a little bit. We are going to observe what changes have happened and write about this in our Cress Diary. We know that Plants need water, sun, soil and warmth or shelter to grow – but the cress only needs water and shelter.

We watched a black and white silent movie video about Jack and the Beanstalk. When Jack woke up he went in his garden and he saw a big, giant beanstalk. We acted out what happened like we were Jack. We took some real seeds and planted them next to our tables. We thought Jack would feel scared or excited or nervous or shocked or worried and we showed this using good facial expressions.

Finally, on Thursday of this week we are going to have a Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Everyone is going to bring their teddy or soft toy, If it is a Sunny day we will go outside and if it is raining we will go to the Gym Hall. We are so happy and excited to invite our teddies to school! We must get back to work now – Ready, Teddy, Go (hahaha)

Lots of love from Primary One

Our Assembly

Today was our very first Assembly.

We started off saying Dia duit and then Jack came up and he said that means hello in Irish! I had a magnifying glass and told a fact about Under the Sea! – Liam

We wrote all of our assembly by ourselves. I told a story about a bee that stung me on the chin. – Ben


I said we learned lots of different things through our topic. I felt happy because I was doing in front of all the mums and dads and whoever came. My gran, dad and mum came. My brother Reece couldn’t come because he was at nursery-Kyle

6th March : We have talked about our learning

Nathan: I enjoyed making a fact file and finishing my Dogger lost poster.

Oscar: I enjoyed making my mask for our new imaginative area.

Laura: I enjoyed acting out different animals in drama, we were moving our body to look like animals.

Harris: I enjoyed writing a fact file about a lion.

Hassan: I enjoyed doing a page in my phonics booklet because it challenged me and I was able to do it.

Charlie: I liked doing my fact file on a parrot because i was putting in facts and drawing a detailed drawing.


Our week in Primary One

We have had a very busy week in P1- here are some things that we have enjoyed and have been working onlearned

Ramsha: I waited and listened to the rules in gym. Miss Kearney tapped us so we knew when to join the group. We waited for our turn.

Oscar: I enjoyed balancing the ball on the cone in gym.

Nathan : I enjoyed doing our Writing all about me with Miss Sneddon because I liked sounding out words.

Oliver: I liked gym today because we were working on our listening skills and it is good so we will know the rules if we are doing that again.

Jacob: I liked when Miss Sneddon told us about her.


Back to school!

 We are learning all about welcoming a baby in different religions. This week we learnt about how a Christian baby is welcomed into the world. We are looking forward to learn about different ways Babies are welcomed into the world.In Maths we played a game called ‘popcorn’ to help us learn about odd and even numbers. We were making puppets of people who help us. We are very excited because Miss Kearney is going to be telling us what our new topic will be for this term when we come back to school next week. We are all looking forward to working hard this term.

Our Last week at school in December

This week has been a very exciting and busy week. We have all been happy and we are so proud that we have been working so hard since August. Miss Kearney tells us that we deserve a break for all our hard work. We decided to make a Santa’s workshop in our imaginative area. We were all very busy making machines, elf ears, presents and toys for lots of boys and girls.

We made paper chains, candy canes, Santa faces and model Santas and elves-we have been very busy with our hands and imaginations. We really enjoyed creating the area ourselves and drawing plans for it. When it was finished we were so proud and we thought Santa would love it and want to come and work in our P1 classroom! Then we could say ‘Hello Santa!’

In the New Year we are looking forward to seeing Miss Kearney again when she gets back from Ireland. We are also looking forward to working with the P2s again – and maybe doing book buddy tasks. We will be excited to see all of our friends again and we hope that we get a chance for another trip to the library or a museum. We are also very excited to find out our new topic. Merry Christmas from everyone in P1. We hope Santa comes and is good to all of you.

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