Mental Maths Games

P5 were very busy this afternoon developing and consolidating their mental maths skills. They worked their way around five different stations and practised their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies.

Charlie – It is really fun. I like how we can turn maths into something fun!

Noor – I like that we are doing maths in a fun way!

Hayah – This is helping me in my maths work!

Ramsha – Everybody is participating because they are enjoying it so much!

Kyle – I am enjoying the games. Some people are so competitive!

Ben – The games are more exciting than textbook work!

Primary 5 Homework W/B 10.12.18

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. Please refer to the Active Reading Strategies pages in your homework diary.


Maths – Sumdog

Genius Gems – revise volume  – ml/l

Brain Boxes – revise  weight  – kg/g

Whizz Kids – revise division

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

We will be selling our Sweetie Cones this week and hope to sell all 200! Half of our profits will go to Cancer Research UK.


Author Visit

Jonathan Meres

Primary 5 visited Giffnock Library today to meet author, Jonathan Meres. It was an amazing experience. He sang to us, entertained us with his comedy and talked about his books! Jonathan Meres was probably the funniest author we have met. We enjoyed asking him lots of interesting questions.

Who was your inspiration for The World of Norm books?

Why did you start writing?

Did you like writing at school?

How long have you been a writer?

Who is your favourite author?

What book did you enjoy writing the most?

Health and Hygiene

Primary 5 have been learning about health and hygiene. We discussed the importance of brushing our teeth. We carried out three experiments to see the impact of drinking fizzy drinks.

Experiment 1

To investigate the effect cola has on a coin

Experiment 2

To investigate the effect of rubbing brown sauce on a coin

Experiment 3

To investigate the effect of cola on a fresh , uncooked egg

We have made predictions and will see the results tomorrow morning.


The coin will dissolve.

The coin will turn black.

The coin will be stained.

The egg yolk will turn black.

The egg will crack.

The egg will float up to the top.


Primary 5 Homework W/B 3.12.18

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. Please refer to the Active Reading Strategies pages in your homework diary.


Maths – Mental Maths Sheet

Genius Gems – revise rounding

Brain Boxes – revise  addition and subtraction of ThHTU

Whizz Kids – revise all multiplication tables

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Enterprise Project

Sweetie Cones for sale week beginning 10th December.

Foodbank Collection

Donations can be brought into school between Monday 3rd December and Friday 7th December.

Choir Trip

The choir will be visiting St Enoch Centre on Thursday 6th December.

Library Visit

Primary 5 are making a visit to Giffnock Library on Friday 7 December at 1.30 pm, where they will meet with author Jonathan Meres. Jonathan Meres is the author of ‘The World of Norm’ series and other popular books.

We would appreciate your help in walking to and from the library. If you are available to escort us, please contact the office or pop a note in the diary. We will be leaving at 1.10pm. Please ensure your child has a showerproof jacket.

Sweetie Cones in Production

Entrepreneurs in Action!

Primary 5 have been busy learning about Enterprise. We have established business groups and designed logos. Also, we have conducted market research and carried out surveys to investigate the demand for our chosen product. As a result, we have decided to produce Sweetie Cones to sell for £1.

Pupils from the class have convinced Mrs Friel to give us a loan in order for us to produce our Sweetie Cones.  Some of our profits  will be donated to Cancer Research UK.

We had a very productive afternoon on Thursday and spent the afternoon making our first batch of Sweetie Cones. We have started our advertising and will be selling our Sweetie Cones week beginning 10th December. We hope you will support us in this enterprising project!

Active Reading Strategies

This morning, we were busy working on active reading strategies in Literacy and English. This is helping to improve our reading and comprehension skills. We looked at clarifying, predicting, questioning, visualising and summarising.

Please discuss further with your child at home. Details can be found in their homework diaries.


Newspaper Writing

Primary 5 are learning to write newspaper articles. They looked through the First News newspaper to find articles that they were interested in and identified the key features of newspapers. We produced some of our very own headlines for our favourite articles!

Image result for read all about it images cartoon



Primary 5 Homework W/B 26.11.18

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. Please refer to the Active Reading Strategies pages in your homework diary. (see previous blog post)


Maths – Mental Maths Sheet

Genius Gems – revise estimation

Brain Boxes – revise written multiplication

Whizz Kids – revise 6,7 and 8 times tables

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Enterprise Project

Primary 5 are studying Enterprise in Social Studies and are learning about running a business. We have carried out market research to investigate the best product for sale to maximise profits.

Our research has revealed that sweets are the most popular product. As a result, we will be producing Sweetie Cones. All sweets are gelatine free and suitable for a vegetarian diet.

We have taken out a business loan from Mrs Friel and have to repay this in full. Profits made in this venture will be donated to charity.

Sweetie Cones will be available for sale from Monday 10th December for £1. We hope you will support our project.

Primary 5

Entrepreneurs in Training

Christmas Fair

On Friday, pupils can bring in a tombola prize for the Christmas Fair. In exchange, they can dress as they please that day. The Christmas Fair is on Saturday 1st December.


Foodbank Collection


Braidbar Pupil Council would like to ask for your help in supporting those in need this Christmas.  We are organizing a collection for the local Foodbank and would encourage anyone in a position to do so to support this worthwhile cause.  Donations can be brought into school between Monday 3rd December and Friday 7th December.  Please see a list below of items that would be gratefully received.

  • Toiletries including toilet roll, deodorant, shampoo and liquid soap.
  • Food items including UHT milk, long life juice, small coffee, small sugar, jam, pasta sauce, cereal, biscuits.
  • Tinned food such as peas, tomatoes, sweetcorn, meat, tuna, custard, fruit, creamed rice.

The Foodbank currently has a large stock of soup, beans and pasta so any of the above items would be a great support in feeding families during the festive period.

Thank you in advance,

Braidbar Pupil Council

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