House Event

This afternoon, pupils changed into their favourite pyjamas to take part in the House Event organised by the P7 house captains. Pupils also contributed £1 to fund future events. Everyone had a fabulous time building dens and designing pyjamas. A great way to spend a Wednesday afternoon!


Learning Assembly

Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who attended the Learning Assembly today. We have worked incredibly hard to prepare for it over the past couple of weeks. The class performed beautifully and I am so proud of them! Well done Primary 5!

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Primary Homework W/B 25.2.19

Reading – read relevant pages of group reader and prepare a question using higher order skills.

Spelling – Choose two written active spelling tasks to complete for Friday.

Education City – Spend 10-15 minutes daily practising mental maths skills.

Other Information 

Pyjamas House Event  – Wednesday 27th February afternoon


Learning Assembly                                                                        

Our learning assembly is on Wednesday 27th February at 9.15am. Please encourage your child to learn their lines. We look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday!

Swimming – Please remember to bring your swimming costume or trunks and towel in a bag (goggles optional). Girls should tie their hair back or bring a swimming cap.


Monday 4th March – PE will be back on every Monday with Mr Gordon. Remember your PE kit!


World Thinking Day

Thinking Day/ Founders Day

Today it is World Thinking Day, which is a day of international friendship.  This is celebrated by all members of Girl Guiding and Scouting around the world. Some Primary 5 pupils came dressed in their Cubs and Brownie uniforms. They look very impressive!

Primary 5 Homework W/B 18.2.19

Spelling – Choose two written active spelling tasks to complete for Friday.

No mental maths or reading homework this week because of assembly rehearsal.

Other Information

Vikingar School Trip is on Monday 18th February.

Pupils can wear their own clothes with a Braidbar sweatshirt on top. Please wear comfortable shoes and bring a waterproof jacket.

Learning Assembly

Our learning assembly is on Wednesday 27th February (next Wednesday) at 9.15am. This week, we have lots of assembly lines to learn. We look forward to welcoming you next week.

Swimming – Please remember to bring your swimming costume or trunks and towel in a bag (goggles optional). Girls should tie their hair back or bring a swimming cap.



Maths Skills


Lucy McKinlay, coaching and modelling officer for Numeracy and Mathematics, worked with Primary 5 this morning to take them back to basics and learning about subitising.

Definition of Subitising
Instantly recognizing the number of objects in a small group, without counting.
Example: when you know there are 5 coins here without counting.

Primary 5 Homework W/B 13.2.19

Spelling – Choose two written active spelling tasks to complete for Friday 15th February. Spelling jotters due in this Friday.

Vikingar School Trip – Please return permission slips as soon as possible. The trip date is Monday 18th February.

Swimming – Please remember to bring your swimming costume or trunks and towel in a bag (goggles optional). Girls should tie their hair back or bring a swimming cap.

(There is no swimming this week because of the holiday weekend)

P.E. – A growing number of children are not bringing their PE kits on a Friday. Please ensure you have the correct PE kit and footwear for health and safety reasons.

ExPLORE Projects

The Vikings

Primary 5 presented some absolutely amazing Viking projects. We had a very interesting mix of power points, posters and 3D models. Clearly, a lot of hard work has taken place over the last couple of weeks. Everyone got the opportunity to share their learning with the class. Also, we shared our fabulous projects with Primary 6 who were very impressed!

The Vikings have grabbed our attention and imagination. This was evident in the work produced by the children. The 3D models and posters are easier to share in the photographs as they are visual. The  power points were equally as impressive but more difficult to share on this blog. Well done to everyone for completing this project to such a high standard!

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The Vikings

Primary 5 are enjoying their new IDL – The Vikings! We are looking forward to going on our school trip to Vikingar, Largs. It will be amazing to see the place where Vikings settled. We are also looking forward to going inside the longhouse, dressing up as Vikings and learning new things.

In class, we have been researching longships and we have designed some of our own. We are very proud of our work!

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