Lass uns deutsch sprechen!

Learning new words and phrases in English and other languages is a real strength in our class.

Laura’s mum challenged us today by teaching us about the German language and where it is spoken. We then did some fun reading, listening and speaking activities about die Farben – colours.

Ask us at home to find out what we know!

Going green! πŸŒ΅πŸŒ²πŸŒ³πŸŒ΄β˜˜οΈπŸŒΏπŸŒ±πŸ€πŸƒ

In art and design this week we focused on colour and texture again. This time we used paint. We thought it was a bit strange that we were asked to make best use of colour when we were only given yellow and blue paint! 🎨

We had to mix these two colours in different ways to make as many greens as possible. We found out that this was quite tricky! πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸŽ¨

Then we used our greens to fill our page with imagined plants of different shapes, sizes and textures. πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸŽ¨


Great Golden Time!

For our last Golden Time together we got to do some special activities we had requested. Once again we showed that we can take turns and share resources, making sure that everyone is included.

Golden time also lets us develop new skills and Miss Paterson was especially impressed by some sewing superstars!


Wonderful weaving

Over a few sessions we showed creativity and perseverance to create beautiful woven squares.

After setting up a tricky loom we focused on colour and texture to create interesting individual squares.

Young Writers

We are so proud of our individual and collective success in the Young Writers competition. Our stories with a jungle, space, magical or pirate theme will be published soon and a copy of the anthology available in school. πŸ“πŸ“–πŸ“šπŸŽ‰

Marvellous measure

Focusing on length, width and height we have been putting our measuring skills to the test around the school. We discussed the best equipment to choose for different jobs and converted m to cm and vice versa. We worked in teams to complete our tasks successfully.

Pizza perfection! πŸ•

We prepared another food from our wish list this week – pizza! Many thanks to all the family members who joined in. πŸŒ½πŸ•πŸ§€πŸ₯πŸπŸŒπŸ“πŸ•πŸ½

Miss Paterson bought lots of different ingredients that we had requested as toppings. We had the chance to go sweet or savoury and many of us broke with convention by mixing both!

” You shouldn’t use too much sauce or it will go soggy”

” I’m going to try something new”

” I’m only using a little cheese to keep it healthy”

” I don’t think warm strawberries were a good idea but they taste nice on their own”

” It smells soooo good”

” I think it’s ready because the cheese is melted and bubbly”

“This is delicious”

” I don’t usually like pizza but I’m enjoying this”

” It was good to choose and chop my own ingredients”

” This is just like a real pizza restaurant”



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Super seeds

In Sciences we are learning about plants. We started by reviewing what we already know about the parts of a plant. We looked at different seeds that had all come from kitchen waste or from the school grounds and tried to guess which plant they had come from.

After that we turned to our main learning: what plants need to grow well. Like all good scientists we discussed what we already knew, made a hypothesis or predictions and created an experiment.

Each House was responsible for growing cress in different conditions. You can see that two lots didn’t grow at all. They were not watered. This helped us draw the conclusion that plants need water. Of the cress that did grow, only one lot was green and healthy. This confirmed what we had read about plants needing sun on their leaves to make food. We know the green stuff is called chlorophyll.

We are now using what we learned to grow different plants of our choice. Cucumbers, pumpkins, chillies, peas and tomatoes are just a few things that have started to sprout! πŸŒ±πŸ…πŸ“πŸ₯’πŸŒΆ

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