Cinderella & Rockerfella

Primary 4 will perform in the school show on the evening of Wednesday 6th June and the afternoon and evening of Thursday 7th June.  We anticipate that all pupils will be attending both evening shows in order to make the show a success. Please notify me of any issues.


Primary 4 will require the following items for the show;

Denim jeans/ leggings/ trousers

Brightly coloured tops

Comfortable shoes

Party accessory e.g. sparkly waistcoat, jacket, hairband, bow, hat or jewellery.

Please bring your costume, in a named plastic bag, into school by Thursday 24th May.  Costumes will stay in school until the evening of Thursday 7th June.

Thank you for your support!

P4 Homework w/b 7.5.18

I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine over the long weekend! The following homework should be completed by Friday this week.

Cinderella & Rockerfella

Primary 4 continue to prepare for their performance in Cinderella and Rockerfella next month.  They should be rehearsing the songs and moves at home each night.

Thank you to the boys and girls for the wonderful response to our backdrop competition.  The standard was very high! A winner will be announced shortly.


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

Complete a book review for Friday  (This is optional for the children in the Nessy spelling group who have additional work assigned by Mrs Young to complete.)


Improve your mental recall of multiplication table facts by playing Hit the Button.  Practise all the tables you have been taught.

Sound Experiments!

Primary 4 had great fun this week investigating sound vibrations and how sound travels.  Here are some pictures of them carrying out some experiments and checking their predictions.

P4 Homework w/b 30.04.18


See jotter for weekly spelling words.  Each child should write out the spelling words as indicated in the jotter and complete two Active Spelling activities of their choice.


Mon – Thur – Free choice – Sumdog/Education City (10 minutes each night)

I have extended the dates on last weeks assigned homework tasks on Education City as several children did not complete these.  Please complete these this week or advise me of any access problems or reasons why this work can not be complete.  All the activities allocated are tablet friendly.


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.


Please be reminded that each child should submit a picture entry of a village street scene by Friday.  Please see last weeks homework post for further information.


Modern Languages in P4!

This term the children are enjoying a weekly Spanish lesson with Spanish teaching assistant Carlotta.  The children have been listening carefully to Carlotta’s authentic accent and they have already learned a variety of  words and phrases including colours, numbers and the days of the week.  Bueno!

P4 Homework w/b 23.04.18

Primary 4 are very excited to be involved in this year’s school show ‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’. The children have been busy learning fours songs which they will be singing during each performance.  The children should learn their lyrics as part of this weeks homework.

Maths – Complete the tasks on your MyCity page on Education city.

Reading – See diary for chapters to be read this week.

Art Task – Cinderella and Rockerfella Backdrop

As with previous shows, we are looking to create the backdrops for the show with an illustration from each class. Please ensure that these are on A4 paper and are landscape.

P4 – Create a Village Street

There will be a class prize for the best backdrop design. All backdrops should be handed in by Friday 4th May.  Good luck!

PE – PE will be on a Monday this term and the children will also complete the Daily Mile on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Appropriate footwear should be worn on these days.

P4 Homework w/b 16th April

It was a pleasure to welcome back the boys and girls after Easter break and we look forward to learning many new and exciting things together during this term!


See jotter for weekly spelling words and nightly activity.


Mon – Thur – Sumdog/Education City (10 minutes each night)


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.


How far did your book travel?

Well done and thank you to those of you who have already brought in a picture of yourself reading a book during the holidays!  If you took a picture and have not yet brought it in or emailed it please do so this week.


This term Primary 4 will have a PE session with Mr Gordon on a Monday afternoon.

We will be joining up with Primary 5 to run the daily mile on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Children should have appropriate footwear in school on these days.

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