Primary 5 Homework W/B 22.10.18

Spelling –  Blue and Yellow groups will be issued with new spelling lists on Mondays and completed homework should be submitted on Fridays. The Nessy group will now work with Miss Innes. She will issue homework on a Tuesday and collect it back in the following Tuesday.

Maths – Sumdog

Please spend time on your question challenge daily..  Also, revise multiplication tables daily in order to improve speed and accuracy.

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Friday.

Other Information

Swimming – P5 will be starting their six week swimming block on Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit. Don’t forget your towel! A packed lunch should be provided on Thursdays.

Library – P5 will be visiting Giffnock Library on Friday afternoon. We will be leaving at approximately 1.10pm. Please wear a waterproof jacket.



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