Primary 5 Homework W/B 8.10.18

Spelling – As this is a four day week, please complete one written active spelling task for Thursday.

Reading – Read the relevant pages of your book. Prepare one or two questions to discuss with your group. What? Where? When? Why? Who? How? words are great question starters! Please write them down in your homework diary.

Maths – Sumdog

Please complete the 100 question challenge. Your target is to complete 25 questions daily. Also, revise multiplication tables daily in order to improve speed and accuracy.

Homework to be completed, signed and handed in by Thursday.

Other Information

Please return swimming letters before the end of the week. P5 will be visiting Giffnock Library on Friday 26th October. Please contact the office or pop a note in the diary if you are able to accompany us there and back. We will be leaving at approximately 1.10pm.

Enjoy the holiday break!


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