P4 Homework w/b 14.5.18


Read the relevant pages of your reading book as detailed in your diary.

P4 will be visiting Giffnock Library next Tuesday 22nd May as part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge.  The children are required to take their reading passport with them, they should bring this into school this week in preparation.


10 minutes each night on Education City, Sumdog or Hit the Button.


Complete words and active spelling tasks as detailed in your spelling jotter. 

Health and Wellbeing

The children have been learning how their actions can change the way someone is feeling and how they can have a positive impact.  They have been set a challenge to display an act of kindness towards someone else within their class Friendship Circle.  They are encouraged to discuss this at home and share what they did and why.  Perhaps they can perform additional acts of kindness for their family!

Cinderella & Rockerfella

Rehearsals continue and showtime creeps closer.  Please see the previous post for information on show costumes.

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