Super seeds

In Sciences we are learning about plants. We started by reviewing what we already know about the parts of a plant. We looked at different seeds that had all come from kitchen waste or from the school grounds and tried to guess which plant they had come from.

After that we turned to our main learning: what plants need to grow well. Like all good scientists we discussed what we already knew, made a hypothesis or predictions and created an experiment.

Each House was responsible for growing cress in different conditions. You can see that two lots didn’t grow at all. They were not watered. This helped us draw the conclusion that plants need water. Of the cress that did grow, only one lot was green and healthy. This confirmed what we had read about plants needing sun on their leaves to make food. We know the green stuff is called chlorophyll.

We are now using what we learned to grow different plants of our choice. Cucumbers, pumpkins, chillies, peas and tomatoes are just a few things that have started to sprout! 🌱🍅🍓🥒🌶

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