Ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices


We found out about what people in Ancient Egypt believed about gods and goddesses. We compared the facts to what we know about other religions and found some similarities and some differences.

Using what we had found out we then created a god or goddess of our own. The style of our drawing was like the drawings found from ancient times. We also gave each god or goddess an interesting name and a special power, just like in Ancient Egypt.


In our next lessons we learned about beliefs and practices linked to death. The day after the February holiday was all about this. First we made notes in a listening activity and completed some follow up tasks with the key facts and vocabulary.

Then we used the reading strategies we have been practising recently to sequence the steps of how to make a mummy. We talked about whether or not we would have liked to have been ‘mummy makers’.


Next we used what we had learned about mummification and preserving bodies to try and make a science prediction. We took six equal pieces of freshly cut apple and covered each one in a different substance. One piece was left alone – this was a ‘control’ piece. We then predicted which substance would be best at drying out and preserving the apple. The ancient Egyptians left bodies to dry out for at least forty days so we may have to wait a while for the results! What is your prediction? Why?


Finally, in Art+Design we each designed a sarcophagus and mummy to go inside. We used colour, line and pattern on the highly decorated top section.

Please come to our open afternoon to find out more about daily life in Ancient Egypt!

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