The good space…

Last week we spoke to a brilliant astronaut called Chris Hadfield. We thought about questions we could ask for the astronaut. Chris Hadfield answered a question that Laura and Charlie had thought of. It was ‘Is the moon made of cheese?’. Chris told use the answer was no. He said it is made of rock that has holes in it, it is made from earth and an asteroid. We were so excited when he said ‘Hello Braidbar and thank you for your  question’. We watched a video after we had spoken to him, about making a burrito in space. We also found out how to wash your hands in space. They use a special pouch to wash and it doesn’t need in any water – you just put it together and then get a towel to dry.

In French we talked about colours. We played eye-spy in French and Supermarket Sweep. You would have to pick out an object and say the French colour. Sophie correctly chose Rose – she wore a pink wig around the supermarket! Jack found a tomato and told us it was the colour Rouge!

In Science we learned all about light and about dark and the boy was scared. His sister showed him a puppet made using a hand – it is a called a shadow. We made our own shadow puppet show and guessed what animals people were making. Stella’s group made a butterfly.

In PE on Friday we worked on our listening skills and our balances. We travelled along a bench and when we got to the end we jumped off. After that we put our hands in the air and we gently lowered our hands to our sides. Then we chose a roll to do along the mat. Ramsha chose a log roll. Nathan chose a tuck roll. When we had finished we stood up with our hands in the air and again gently moved them down to our sides. We are all very sweaty, tired and we felt proud of ourselves. Miss Kearney said we had worked so hard this week. We are looking forward to Easter.


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